Lesson Plan : Telling Time Analog and Digital

Teacher Name:
 Jenice F. Shea
 Grade 3

 Telling time on the hour, half hour, quarter hour, and at 5 minute intervals.
 hour, o'clock, minute hand, hour hand, colon, minute hand, digital clock, analog clock, minutes, one-half, half-past, quarter past
 To understand the workings of an analog clock and to tell time on he hour, the half hour, quarter hour, and at 5-minute intervals.
 To understand the 60-minute cycle of the clock. To introduce the analog and digital clock. To introduce the parts of the analog clock. To teach telling time on the hour, on the half hour, on the quarter hour, and at 5-minute intervals.
 analog clock worksheets pencil
 Using the analog clock, introduce the 60-minutes found in one hour. Explain the hour hand and the minute hand. Describe what happens each time the minute hand makes a complete circle on the clock. Introduce the half-hour, quarter-hour, and 5-minute markings on the clock face.
 Introduce a number line with the numbers from 1-12. Make the line into a circle to represent a clock face. Explain the short hand on the clock is the hour hand and the long hand is the minute hand. Each time the long hand (minute hand) makes one complete circle on the clock face, one hour (60 minutes) have passed. Each time the long hand moves past a number, 5 minutes have passed. Explain that 15 minutes is one-fourth or one-quarter of an hour. One-half hour is 30-minutes long. Explain the colon (two dots on top of each other) separate the hours from the minutes.
 Start at 12 o'clock (of the clock), move the minute hand to the one. Ask, what has just happened? (5-minutes have passed). Proceed at 5-minute intervals, with practice for the quarter-hour and the half-hour. Move the hands around the clock until an hour has passed. Draw attention to the fact the hour hand has been moving as we have moved the minute hand. Now the hour hand has made a complete move to the next number, indicating one hour has passed.
 Assist student with holding the clock and moving the hands as he indicates.
Checking For Understanding:
 Review the vocabulary words Have student explain how an analog clock works in his own words. Ask for questions
 Have the student place the hands of the lab clock on the accurate time as shown on another clock in the room.
 Continue the worksheets that were introduced during the class period.
Teacher Reflections:

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