Lesson Plan : Using Prime Factorizations

Teacher Name:
 Katie Molloy
 Grade 6

 Exploring a method for finding the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two numbers using prime factorizations.
 The students will use what they know about common multiples and common factors. They will extend their knowledge on least common multiples and greatest common factors of two numbers as well as furthering their knowledge on prime factorizations.
 The students will take what they know so far and compare prime factorizations of two numbers.The students will have a deeper understanding of prime factorizations and how to find the greatest common factor and least common multiple using the method.
 The students will review individually before going into the lesson with new material. The students will listen and follow along while getting direct instruction. The students will also work in pairs to further to practice the new material presented to them. If the students finish with time left, they will work on problems individually that extend the lesson. Standards:
 Prime Time textbook, math notebook, overhead projector, easle, calculator, dry erase board
 1. I will first check the students' homework and they will get into their Think and Review groups and compile a list of the correct answers. (The students do NOT get any help or explaining at this time). (10-15 minutes) 2. I will first go over what it means to find Least common multiples and greatest common factors. I will write a definition on the board. 3. The students will then do an example INDIVIDUALLY in their notebook. They will use what they know to find the GCF and LCM of the numbers 24 and 60. I will write the correct answer out. (2 and 3 will take 10 minutes). 4. I will then ask the students if they can tell me what a prime factorization looks like.....We will do an example on the board using the number 20. (2-5 minutes)
 5. The students will then turn to page 50 in their textbook. We will read problem 5.3, Using Prime Factorizations. We will read over the problem referring back to the individual work the students did in the beginning. We will talk about how to find the GCF and LCM comparing prime factorizations. I will use the overhead and use the stacking and circling method. (12-18 minutes)
 6. The students will get into pairs with someone they have not yet worked with and work on Problem 5.3 and Problem 5.3 Follow-up together. **Make sure to read over Problem 5.3 to clarify wordiness** 7. I will walk around and monitor the students' progress. When I notice that most are finished with part A of the problem, we will stop and go over the correct answer to make sure everyone is on the same page.
 There are many ESL students in this class and Nancy Hern will be in the class for the majority of the time giving extra help to the students she works with. I will also make sure that I monitor the students that need extra help by walking around and providing individual help.
Checking For Understanding:
 During Class: 7. I will walk around and monitor the students progress. When I notice that most are finished with part A of the problem, we will stop and go over the correct answer to make sure everyone is on the same page. Homework: Page 53, #13, #14, #15. (These problems ask the students to find the greatest common factor and least common multiple of pairs of numbers).
 9. I will stop the students at 11am (with 15 minutes left) and go over the homework and make sure that the students understand what is being asked. **The students will also be stopped and have to write all of their homework in their planner together as a class** The students will spend the remainder of the class period working on their class work and homework.
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