Lesson Plan : Solving Equations

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Johnson
 Grade 5

 They will use their basic math skills to find the answer to multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division problems.
 The key vocabulary for this section is equation, variable, operation, and product.
 They will learn to find the answers to equations by doing it on paper and in your head. They will also learn how to use the vocabulary words for this section by using them on the test at the end of the week.
 Students will use their basic skills to solve equations.They will use paper or do the problem in their head to find the answer to the equation.They will learn to the problem backwards to find the missing number known as the variable.
 They will need paper, knowledge, to know their multiplication facts, math books, and handouts. They will also have handouts to help them solve equations.
 They will do problems with partners in order to get the missing number known as the variable to get the answer to the equation.
 For example,5+m=15. The variable is m. The missing number is 10 because 5+10=15.
 Students will do a handout that has the procedures to solving an equation.They will complete two of those handouts.
 They will do a handout that has all of the type of equations on it to see if they really understood the material being taught.
Checking For Understanding:
 They will take a pre-test to show me if they understood how to solve equations without using paper.They are going to show me if they could do the equations with their own knowledge and not a calculator.
 Students will take a test at on Friday to close the lesson in this section so we can start a new one on Monday.
 I will tell if they understood the material by the grade each person received on their test that they took.
Teacher Reflections:
 They will do a review on that lesson to see if they remember all the things you need to know about solving equations in order to do it next year.

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