Lesson Plan : Multiplicity

Teacher Name:
 Kayla Hearne
 Grade 3

 multiplication and division with multiples of 10s, 100s, and 1000s
 Mastery skills thinking structure Rationale: best structure to aide in learning math facts and the class is used to this kind of learning structure Vocabulary: number stories, multiply, divide, solve, number model
 (3.4) Number, operation, and quantitative data.
 1.The student will be able to define key math terms. 2.The student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of multiplying and dividing using multiples of 10, 100, and 1000 by solving given problems correctly.
 Adult Weights of North American Animals poster, flash cards, worksheets
 Discuss what a number story is. Introduce the Adult Weights of North American Animals poster. Introduce the math message for the day: How much might an adult beaver weigh? (referring to the poster). After discussing the math message, play Name That Number using flash cards or some homemade number cards. Four cards for each number 1-10 and one card for each number 11-20 are needed for each group in order to play successfully. Simply lay out four cards out of the deck face up for each group member to see. Then on the opposite side of the draw pile, lay one card face up. What ever number is on the last card turned over is the goal number. Instruct students to use as many of the four cards as possible, forming number sentences that have the goal number as the answer. When cards are used, the group member who used those cards keeps them and more cards are flipped up out of the draw pile to replace the used cards. When the deck is gone the game is over and the student with the most cards wins. Multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction may be used.
 Clarify key vocabulary with concrete definitions. Using number stories, pose some or all of the following questions: 1.What information do you know from reading the problem? 2.What do you want to find out? 3.What do you need? 4.What is the answer? 5.What number model, or sentence, would you write? 6.How do you know it is the right answer? Have students journal answers either on notebook paper or a worksheet. Number sentences can also be based off of the animal poster. Below are some examples: 1.Which animal could weigh 80 times as much as a 50-pound sea otter? 2.About how many 50-pound sea otters together would weigh 1 ton? 3.Which animal could weigh about 10 times as much as a 34-pound American porcupine? 4.Which animal could weigh about 30 times as much as a 5-pound snowshoe hare? These questions not only require the use of reasonability skills, but also promotes multiplication and division of multiples of 10s skills. After completing teacher-directed number stories, instruct students to think up a number story of their own, pair up with a partner to share their stories, and then share with the class a number story made up with their partner. (think-pair-share) Instruct students that when multiplying by 10s, 100s, or 1000s by another number, just simply drop the zeros, multiply by the number left over, then replace the same number of zeros within the answer. (i.e. 30x4=3x4=12=120) When dividing by those multiples, just simply do the same with dropping the zeros and then replacing them (i.e. 40/4=4/4=1=10).
  Trade-a-problem Split the class into 4-6 small groups, with about 4 students in each group. Within the groups, students will write a number story involving multiplication or division with multiples of 10s, 100s, and/or 1000s. After completing the number story, groups will trade problems, challenging other groups to solve the given problem. After the groups solve the problems, instruct each group to share the number story with the class and how a solution was found. Flash Cards Using flash cards, play Around-the-world, allow students to compete with one another to state the answer to a given multiplication or division number sentence shown on each flash card.
 Lower-level: Write out each problem or number story for future reference as needed. Higher-level: Provide number stories that involve multiple steps, such as multiplication and addition, or subtraction and division, or all four.
Checking For Understanding:
 Use the Skip-Bo cards, which are numbered 1-12. Hold up one card at a time, stating whether the number is multiplied or divided by a certain multiple of 10, 100, or 1000. Around-the-world can also be played using this format or simple choral response can be utilized.
 Review the rules for multiplying or dividing with multiples of 10, 100, and 1000.
 Pose problems such as: 1. 7[30s] 2. 50[6s] 3. 9[60s] 4. 70[30s] 5. 50[60s] Simply write out the problems in number sentences or use number stories. Be creative. A simple worksheet will do the trick.
Teacher Reflections:
 This lesson was very fun to do. The flash card activities as well as the trade-a-problem activity made this lesson very worthwhile. The students seemed to stay focused throughout the entire lesson and enjoyed doing so at that. I wish, however, I could have found another way to assess the students other than just worksheets but it works just the same. I think the number stories were a great hit with the students. It allowed for them to try and apply the number stories to previous experiences which only further more kept the students interested and made the lesson that much more worthwhile.

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