Lesson Plan : Reading and Making Graphs

Teacher Name:
 Grade 1

 Bar Graphs
 Cooperative Learning Structure: Informative Sharing Rationale: This lesson follows the Informative Sharing sturctre because it not requires that students share information with each other in their own groups, and share information among other groups in the class. By sharing information in the group, students will create a graph that represents each childs personal choice or prefernce of the topic chosen by the group. This allows students to each have a chance to share and speak with the group, and it also allows each student to part of the final product. By each group sharing their graph with the rest of the class, the students will be able to see the concept and information presented in different ways. Vocabulary: graph, bars graph, bars, tally marks, title, numbers, label
 TEKS: (1.10)Probability and statistics. The student uses information from organized data. The student is expected to: (a)draw conclusions and answer questions using information organized in real-object graphs, picture graphs, and bar-type graphs.
 The students will be able to identify parts of a bar graph, read a bar graph, and create their own bar graph.
 paper, pencil, markers, numbered cubes, chart paper with blank graph drawn, Favorite Color graph (already drawn on graph paper), Stretch Your Thinking pg. 124, On My Own pg. 124, Problem Solving pg. 124 and 125 (Math curriculum from school)
 Tell the students they will be learning about graphs. Explain that graphs are easy ways to organize and show information that is alike. Show the completed Favorite Color Graph. Point out parts of the graph: title-what the graph is about, label-what is being graphed, bars and numbers-show how much. Show students how the read a grpah by pointing to the parts and reading it out loud.
 Ask students questions about the completed Favortie Color Graph. what is the title? What color is chosen the most? Least? How many children chose purple? Orange? Blue? How many children were asked?
 1. Assign roles- coach, recorder, reflector, materials monitor. 2. Have the materials monitor collect materials- paper, pencil, chart paper, markers. 3. Have each group of students (5 in each group) brainstrom other things that can be graphed- have the recorder write down the ideas. 4. Have the coach lead the groups in a vote on what they will graph from their list. Tell the students decide on a title and have the recorder fill it in on the blank chart paper graph. 5. Have the coach ask each student in the group which item they are chosing from those being graphed. Have the recorder tally the marks for each item chosen. 6. As a group, have the students decide where the bars need to be graphed based on the tally marks. Have the recorder fill in the bars on the graph, and color them in. 7. Have the reflector present the graph to the rest of the class, explaining what they chose to graph and the results.
 In partenrs, have students complete, Stretch Your Thinking pg. 124 (school math curriculum workbook). The students will take turns rolling s numbered cube 10 times. Have the students make tally marks for each nubmer rolled. Have the students work together to complete a graph that shows how many times each number was rolled.
Checking For Understanding:
 As a class, look over the individual practice page, going over and explaining each question. Have the students check their answer and correct any mistakes.
 Return to the graphs that each gropu completed. Lead the students in a discussion on the similarities and differences in all the graphs. Ask students questions about the information in the graphs. Display the graphs around the room so the studetns can refer back to them throughout the week as they continue to learn about graphs.
 Have the students complete on their own, Problem Solving pg. 124 and 125 (school math curriculum workbook). Students have to complete these pages by answering questions about graphs, through reading graphs, and by filling in graphs based on tally marks.
Teacher Reflections:
 The first graders that I did this with had worked with tally marks before so that aspect of the lessonw was not challenging for them. The graphs we used and practiced with in class were very simple so the conecept was not too difficult for most of the students. However, most of the students had no prior knowledge or experience with graphs. The did have difficulty with brainstorming ideas of their own for graphing. Seeing a variety of graphs wouldhave helped them in expanding their thinking and creativity for their own ideas. The accomodations activity I chose was helpful for the studetns having difficulty because they were able to work with a partner who was able to guide them and communicate in a way they were able to understand.

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