Lesson Plan : Reading: The Baker's Neighbor

Teacher Name:
 Denise Quinn
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 The children will become familiar with the theme, conflict, resolution, characters, setting, and vocabulary of the play: The Baker's Neighbor
 Play's theme: A good neighbor is worth more than gold. Development: Manuel is a miserly baker who dislikes the fact that his jovial neighbor, Pablo, smells Manuel's pastries every morning, and does not make any purchases. Manuel decides to sue Pablo for compensation for smelling his pastries, without paying. Key vocabulary: shiftless, indignantly, ad lib, shamefacedly, luxury, assent, privilege, elated
 The students will become familiar with the plays components: theme, conflict, resolution, setting, characters; in addition, they will be able to describe their character. The students will become familiar, and display understanding of the play's key vocabulary.
 1. The students will be able to retell the play's theme, conflict, resolution, setting, and characters. 2. The students will write three sentences describing their character (that they will be performing in the play). 3. The students will display understanding of key vocabulary words and meaning through the use of the vocabulary in sentences (verbal), and playing of a match game.
 Copies of the play for each student; Reading textbook, pencils, character-development graphic worksheet; vocabulary written on index cards - word on one card; definition on another.
 1. Review the play's setting, storyline, characters, conflict, resolution, theme - message. 2. Ask students to use descriptive words or phrases to describe the character they will be performing in the play (students will be assigned characters to the preferences, as best as possible). 3. Ask students to write three sentences describing their character. 4. Review vocabulary: Pronounciation of words, meaning, use of words in a sentence, synonyms. 5. Play a Match Game with the students whereby they match vocabulary words with the definition, and vice-versa.
 Discuss: Do neighbor's sometimes have disagreements? What sometimes happens with disagreements (e.g., arguments, loud voices, not speaking, saying mean things/or conversely, talking and working things out, needing a third person to help them see things more clearly. Since I am performing the character of the judge, I will model how I will use the graphic organizer to describe my character. I will model writing three sentences about my character.
 Students will use the graphic organizer to organize key words to describe their characters. Teacher will guide/check. Students will then write three sentences about their characters. Teacher will monitor/check. Students will share their character reports with the group. Vocabulary: Practice saying the words that are on cards; students give definition they have previously looked up.
 Graphic organizers to help those who have difficulty organizing abstract thoughts and ideas. Interactive game whereby students participate and listen as others give responses.
Checking For Understanding:
 Play performance; vocabulary assessment (thursday, 2/23); Character reports
 Students read their individual character reports. Assign students to highlight their play parts on their individual copies; and to read pages 155 - 160 tonight for homework to become more familiar with their parts.
Teacher Reflections:

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