Lesson Plan : Recipes for Favorite Authors

Teacher Name:
 Marlene Long
 Grade 4
 Literature Activities

 Using Internet Research to Write Recipes for Favorite Authors
 - Knowledge of a particular author - Researching information using the internet - How to write a recipe using a format
 Students will write a recipe for their favorite author by using the internet for research. ELA NY State Standards 1,3,4 NETS Standards 1,2,3,5,6 ELA Standards sponsored by IRA 3,4,6,7,8,11,12
 - Given a format for author recipes, students will take notes from their research on the internet by filling out the format, with at least 80% accuracy. - Given a format to follow and research done on their author, students will write a recipe for their favorite author, including at least 8 out of the 10 parts.
 - a book by teacher's favorite author - chart paper with recipe format on it - teacher markers - classroom computer with internet accessibility - computer lab time scheduled ahead time - students' writing notebooks - students' pencils - students' final draft paper or computer time to type
 I will begin by reading a passage from a book by my favorite author. I will talk a minute about the author and why he/she is my favorite author. I will ask, "Who would like to share their favorite author?" I will give students a moment to share authors and why they are their favorites. I will transition to development by asking, "Wouldn't you like to find out more information about your favorite author?"
 Students will gather on the rug and I will model brainstorming by showing students how to write a recipe for their favorite authors on chart paper. I will use my favorite author as an example to fill in the recipe. While filling in the chart, I will use the internet on the classroom computer to find information. I will explain that the internet is one resource to use to find information. I will use many think-alouds and give examples of helpful sites and search engines. I will explain that they will get to research the internet today in the computer lab. Students will copy the recipe format in their notebooks and use this format to help them find appropriate websites when researching on the internet. I will encourage students to ask questions about things they don't understand throughout the lesson.
 I will have scheduled ahead of time to use the computer lab. Students will be assigned partners, whom they will sit next to, that they can ask for help from. In the computer lab, students will use the internet to fill out their recipe formats with information they find. Students who finish early can use their computer lab time to start their final drafts (independent practice). As students work, I will circulate to make sure students are on task and at appropriate sites. I will help students who are struggling and assist students who have questions. I will note how students do with tasks on a checklist for myself.
 Students can work either in pairs or independently while researching on the internet. Those in pairs take turns looking up each other's author, but find the information together. One could be finding the information, the other person writing it down. When I assigned partners, I put a student who was experienced using the computer with a partner that does not have much experience so it would be like peer tutoring. Partners can help learning disabled students by explaining information or reading words they can't read. They help physically disabled by doing the tasks that they are limited in being able to perform. Students struggling with technologies can be shown how to do tasks by partners. Working in pairs can relieve social pressure for struggling or disabled students, since they are not the only people who are getting extra help or working with someone.
Checking For Understanding:
 I will assess student understanding by watching facial expressions and body language closely. I will also analyze and respond to shared favorite authors and why, questions asked, recipe formats copied, notes taken from information found on the internet, and final drafts of recipes. If students struggle with tasks or concepts, I will give feedback to help them or demonstrate again how to do it.
 I will close the lesson by saying, "Great job, everyone! We all got the chance to research on the internet to find information on our favorite authors. I'm sure you all have come up with some "yummy" recipes! I can't wait to read them!"
 I will observe the progress made with each step in the lesson. I will note for myself which strategies worked and which did not. By checking for understanding, I will assess student understanding and compare this assessment with past student performances. I will make notes for myself on students and analyze the progress they have made.
Teacher Reflections:
 This lesson was successful. It was engaging and gave students a good deal of strategies to use. The recipe was especially fun for students and they loved using the computers and researching on the internet. It is not something they do often, so they found this fun. The partners were helpful to students since researching is a difficult concept to grasp. If I was busy helping others, they could ask their partner to help them.

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