Lesson Plan : Proper Questioning Techniques

Teacher Name:
 M. I. Friedman
 Grade 9-10
 Literature Activities

 Questioning Techniques
 This lesson is intended to have the students practice their questioning skills.
 Aim: How can we use our questioning skills to help our reading comprehension? Outcomes: Students will have the chance to practice using questioning as a tool to assist in reading comprehension.
 Students will be able to ask and answer questions about the reading, which will help them understand their reading.
 Monster "Characters in Monster" chart "Word Knowledge Chart" handout
 Independent Reading: 1. Ask the students to identify two important pieces of information as they read today, and mark them with sticky notes. 2. Take the status of the class as the students read independently. 3. Ask for volunteers to share important information from their reading, and briefly explain how they determined that it was important. Independent Reading Response Log: Have the students complete the "Double Entry Journal" for today. Word Study: 1. Write the target word on the board: -alternate, alternative 2. Ask the students to copy the word into the vocabulary section of their English notebook.
 Read-Aloud/Think-Aloud: 1. Ask one or two students to retell the events in the Monster passage read previously. 2. Read aloud pages 127 - 136 of Monster. Teacher reads Steve's journal entry (pp. 127 - 130), and asks volunteers to read Camera/sound directions, Forbes, Petrocelli, Williams, Moody. 3. Pause to define the target word in context: alternate (p. 131). 4. Pause to model questioning. Use the following stops: -Page 129, ". . . and I started gagging." Ask yourself aloud why Steve is gagging. Wonder if he is really guilty. -Page 135, "The bullet finally lodged in the upper trapezius area." Ask yourself aloud why Myer includes this piece of testimony here. 5. Note that stopping to ask question helps you focus both on the pieces that might be confusing and on th upcoming reading, since you will now read to find the answers to your questions. Classroom Conversation: 1. Begin the classroom conversation, encouraging the students to refer to the text as a basis for their comments, by asking the following: -Locate a place where you have a question about this section of the text. -Do you think Steve is guilty? -What do you think about his reflections in his diary? 2. Add Allen Forbes, Detective Williams, and Dr. Moody to the "Characters in Monster" chart; however, these are not very important characters. 3. Have the students write an entry in their notebooks, answering the following question: -Is Steve innocent or guilty? Explain how you know.
 Word Knowledge Chart: 1. Distribute the "Word Knowledge Chart" handout, with the following words: -juvenile -hostile -verdict -intended -apprehend -oath -dismay -alternate 2. Review with the students how they are to complete the chart. Remind them that they have done this before.
 1. Instruct those students who finish before the rest of the class to choose something from their independent menus in order to occupy their time constructively. Suggest preparing their first book talk. 2. Allow students who finish quickly to assist those students who may be having trouble. 3. Work with struggling students, individually.
Checking For Understanding:
 Homework: 30 minutes of sustained reading. Complete the "Double Entry Journal Homework" handout for today.
Teacher Reflections:

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