Lesson Plan : Telling Time With A Clock

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 Telling Time
 hour o'clock minute hand hour hand digital clock
 Students will be able to: -recognize the attributes of time -understand to measure time using standard and nonstandard units
 Students will be able to: -introduce the elements of a clock and explain their functions -tell time to the hour and half hour on digital and analog timepieces
 Paper plates Drawing paper Brass tack fasteners Crayons or markers The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle Construction paper clock hands (pre-made) - be sure to make a clear distinction between the hour and minute hand Morning and Night recording sheet Ladybug Clocks
 -Ask them to name the different time frames within a day�morning, afternoon, and night. Have students share activities they participate in during the morning time, afternoon and night. -Record student answers on a chart or the board using three columns that correspond to the three times of day. -Read the story The Grouchy Ladybug, by Eric Carle, to the class. -As you read the story, guide students� attention to the clocks, times of day, and activities that the ladybug participates in.
 After reading the story, introduce the attributes of time using real clocks. -Explain that clocks are the most common instrument used to tell time and give students a variety of examples, such as an analog clock, a digital clock, and a watch. -Using a demonstration clock to model the times pictured in The Grouchy Ladybug and review the activities that the ladybug did during the morning, afternoon, and evening.
 -Each student will have a copy of the recording sheet, Morning and Night. -Students draw pictures of activities they do during each period of the day and allow them to dictate a sentence about their picture.
Checking For Understanding:
 You can assess these concepts using the activities students participated in during this lesson. -How accurately do students identify activities that occur at given times of the day? -What knowledge of time do students demonstrate in their sharing of experiences? Do they use vocabulary indicating conventional understandings? -How accurately are students able to tell time to the hour using a analog and digital clocks?
 Why do we need to be able to tell time at home? At school? How can we tell time? -Accepting answers of nonstandard (the sun comes up, the sun goes down, the alarm goes off, getting up) as well as standard units of time. In what activities does our class participate during the morning? What activities do we do in the afternoon? What school activities do you do in the evening?
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