Lesson Plan : Phonics In Sentence Forms

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Britton
 Grade 2
 Literature Activities

 Phonics - The reading of /o/ in words, sentences, a paragraph,and stories.
 decode words containing the letter o when it is followed by a consonant and silent e. (broke,close,slope, core, more,nose,joke,home,move)
 This lesson is designed to help class decode words containing the letter o when it is followed by a consonant and silent e, in vocabulary and in sentences
 The class will recognize and spell the given words. The class will be able to point out the different parts of the vocabualry words, specificaly, the "o", rather its long or short, they will identify the consonant in the word as well. The students will be given three sentences to read, the child will read the sentences and select words which have the o consonant e pattern by underlining them all correctly.
 Students, Vocabulary and sentence work sheets,
 Before starting the lesson, I will review a phonics rule which was already learned in a previous spelling lesson. I will ask the class to complete a page from a phonics book. The spelling words will consist of words which are built using phonograms. The assignment will involve writing in the blank spaces of ten sentences with the correct spelling word from that lesson. If the pupil is able to complete the page with seven out of ten sentences correct, I shall introduce the following lesson. If the pupil does not meet the criterion for accuracy, I will repeat the lesson involving the review set of phonograms.
 I will display a colorful visual showing the beginning, middle, and end of a picture. The picture could be a snake with long eyelashes, a school bus, or train. I'll lable the picture a bold colored B on the beginning of the picture, M on the middle of the picture, and E on the end of the picture. The direction of the labels will go from left to right. While talking to the class as you model, pronounc four pairs of words which begin randomly with either the /o/, /a/, or /e/. As I pronounc the words, I'll continue to say the individual sounds of the words and move under the drawing in synchronization with the pronouncing of the word. For example, as the word Ohio is pronounced, the teacher will stand under the beginning of the drawing when /o/ is said, move to the middle of the drawing when /hi/ is pronounced, and then move to the end of the drawing when /o/ is pronounced. This is again where you show how the sounds match to the three parts of the picture.
 I will direct the class to complete the worksheet. If the class or a child does not complete the worksheet with four out of five sentences done correctly, I will follow up with another workshhet and discuss if not retach the lesson depending on the number of students who have problems.
 For special Ed. This is a lesson that can move as slow or fast. It can adapt to any learning style. If you need more hands on tools, there are flash cards and props that both you and the child can create.
Checking For Understanding:
  If the class is able to meet the criteria specified in the performance objectives, I will consider the lesson a success.
 I will ask the class to tell me what he has learned today, I would write some random words and ask the class to point out the parts of the word.
Teacher Reflections:

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