Lesson Plan : The Big 6: Application

Teacher Name:
 Judy Sell
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

  (EDITED 6) This lesson is a part of a larger unit that is designed to teach 4th graders the Big 6 process and how to apply that process when given a task to complete. Review of The Big 6 at: http://www.big6.com/showarticle.php?id=415
 This unit addresses some key research skills that all students need to know and practice in order to be information literate. The New York State Standard that is addressed in this unit is ELA Standard 1 (Language for Information and Understanding. Specifically, this lesson supports the listening and reading part of ELA Standard 1, i.e., "listening and reading to acquire information and understanding involves colecting data, facts, and ideas; discovering relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and using knowledge from (written) sources."
  Students will apply the information problem solving model of The Big 6. The Big 6 is a six step process designed to enable a student to complete a task or assignment successfully. Students need to use those 6 steps to complete the task of writing a report about Niagara Falls. Specifically, this lesson will focus on Step 4 of The Big 6 (Use of Information).
 After determining three topics that are necessary to find information about Niagara Falls, the students will write a two page report about Niagara Falls. After reading information about Niagara Falls, the students will identify relevant facts, writing them in the correct area of the graphic organizer prepared by the teacher.
 Students: pencil, graphic organizer, information sheet on Niagara Falls Teacher: overhead projector, transparency of graphic organizer, pens, information sheet on Niagara Falls
 A review of the Big 6: Using the overhead, teacher shows class The Big 6. Students are divided into 3 groups of 6. Each group is given the 6 steps. They must stand in line holding the steps in the right order.
 Students state the task (write a report about Niagara Falls)(Step 1 of Big 6) Students state the 3 topics they are to include in this report (Location/ Size/ Activities) (Step 2 of Big 6) Students read facts they already wrote about location topic.
 Students read the information sheet silently as teacher reads it aloud. Teacher re-reads the information and students are to "size fact" whenever they hear/see a fact that can be written in the Size Box of the graphic organizer. Students write the correct facts in the Size Box of the graphic organizer using proper labels.
 Students who needs assistance will be paired with a partner. The teacher will assist students by overseeing this project.
Checking For Understanding:
 Teacher writes facts about activities on the transparency as students tell her what they found in the information. Students are to add any activities they missed to their own graphic organizers.
 Students identify which step of the Big 6 they have been working on (step 4 or use of information). The teacher and students will review this step together.
 Check to see if information in graphic organizers was complete. Team work evaluation form.
Teacher Reflections:
 Was this an effective way to help students with the Big 6 process? Did students work well in teams? Was the graphic organizer well done or does it need to be revised? Did the students learn and enjoy this lesson?

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