Lesson Plan : Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay

Teacher Name:
 Brittany Shannon
 Grade 11-12
 Language Arts

 Students will write a compare and contrast essay on the African and Asia monsoons.
 Benchmark III-B: Make oral presentations with a logical structure appropriate to the audience, context and purpose, using effective speaking skills. Benchmark IV-F: Edit one’s own work for grammar, style, and tone appropriate to audience, purpose and context.
 Students will complete a graphic organizer comparing and contrasting the two types of monsoons presented. Students will develop research skills using the internet and library Students will effectively peer and self edit their rough drafts Students will develop writing and organizing skills needed to write an essay
 Internet Library Graphic Organizer Paper Pencil Editing Pen
 Students will be introduced with probing questions about previous times they have written compare and contrast essays. Students will be shown two pictures and asked to describe the similarities and differences.
 Students will be shown a PowerPoint over how to write a compare and contrast essay. This will serve as a refresher.
 Students will use completed graphic organizer to begin their rough draft essay. Teacher will walk around making sure students are begining with an introductory paragraph.
 Students may type their rough draft. Students will be working with each other, this works well for those who may not understand the assignment. Students may use media and visuals for research evidence
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will turn in edited rough drafts for my final editing marks and comments. Teacher will walk around room, asking questions to make sure they understand how to use the graphic organizer and the rubric as a guide
 Students will turn in final essays. Students will finish with a muddiest point or question card that will be collected and answered annonomously the next day.
 Students will be graded based on improvements from rough draft to final. These measures of progress will be outlined in the rubric.
Teacher Reflections:
 To be completed after the lesson:

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