Lesson Plan : Trip to Amusement Park

Teacher Name:
 Grade 9-10
 World Languages

 Trip to Amusement Park (Picnic)
 Subject matter : picnic, Lotte World(amusement park), roller coaster Key vocabulary : arrived at, stood in line, took a ride
 Students will be able to write a short essay or diary on a basis of their past experience.
 Terminal objectives : By the end of this lesson, students will be able to -make sentences using the past tense of target lexical chunks, 1)arrive at 2)stand in line 3)take a ride, and their own vocabulary when a smilar or the same topic is provided. -write a paragraph-length diary, consisting of at least 6 sentences, reflecting their trip to amusement parks using the acquired target expressions. Enabling objectives : By the end of this lesson, students will be able to -identify the past tense forms of the target language items while listening and reading -dictate the right forms of the past tense of the target language items while listening to an presented diary -identify the collocations of the target vocabulary and their grammatical rules when a written diary is presented -discuss the necessary vocabulary with classmates for their own writing about the amusement park trip
 PPT/ MS word/ Google Vocabulary dictionary A handout including a sample diary
 1. Tell students my story about the trip to Lotte World amusement park using target vocabulary(arrived at, stood in line, took a ride) with pictures on PPT. 2. Draw students' attention to the vocabulary stressing out of repeating target vocabualry while telling a story
 3. Present a sample diary aurally reading out loud the target vocabulary and let students write down vocabulary emphasized while hearing a diary 4. Give out handouts that include a sample diary just aurally presented. In a diary target vocabulary should be underlined with some exlanation below the handouts. Let class read out a dairy together. 5. Using PPT, give detailed explanation about the target vocabulary such as collocation, words functions, meanings, pronunciations, and so on. (Google vocabualry dictionary) 6. Read a dairy again, but focus should be on a diary itself such as topic, subjects, subject matters, conjuctions and son on with brief mention of the target vocabulary
 7. Let students brainstorm three more vocabulary they can use in their diary, discuss the items with classmates. 8. Let them make 3 sentences using 3 vocabulary they just came up with, which can be group working.
 * A diary can be replaced by a easy and funny story that students are interested in. * Students can search the target vocabulary on their own using computers and preset those in front of the class
Checking For Understanding:
 11. Give appropriate feed back while presenting sentences that students make focusing on functional aspects such as how the target vocabulary are well used in a context. 12. As for minor errors, if students have some errors in common, it could be mentioned.
 13. Give students assignments; writing a paragraph - diary using vocabulary learned in a class and their own vocabulary ( they should hand in a draft and a final product so that they could be discussed in a next class )
 1. Target vocabulary were referred to the 7th national curriculum of foreign languages of Republic of Korea 2. Target words,especially main verbs, are from 'The General Service List' 3. Genre of writing(diary) is between formal and informal writing because if it is too formal it could be boring and if it is too informal it could be difficult to understand due to colloquial languages. 4. The rationale of this teaching is 'integrated teaching' because it includes 'listening to a story, reading a diary, discussing voabulary, and writing 3 sentences' 5. (Materials) PPT has a visual effects, MS word itself includes feedback for students, Google Dictionary provide bilingual ditionalies, abundant explanaionts about words, and pronunciation-sound, all of which help better understanding.
Teacher Reflections:
 -It is important not to confuse students while doing activity since it has many activities including four skills,so clear goal and objectives should be presented when class starts. -It could be good to give them positive feedback since most of students have negative feelings against writing -For fluency writing, it could be good to have time limitation, but since students are in a novice level, it is better to give enough time to think and write. -What's most important thing is to make sure that students can have some interest in writing a diary in English,which means motivation.

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