Lesson Plan : Writing Opening to a Narrative

Teacher Name:
 Lorraine Lgoerfo
 Grade 7-8
 Literature Activities

 Narrative Writing
 Reading/Writing Elements of a Narrative: Character, Setting, Conflict, Time Creating suspense; being aware of point of view; using dialogue to move action, medias res, conversation, question, description
  Students will be able to write an opening to a narrative that hooks the reader and creates suspense. Students will be able to use a selected author's technique of opening the narrative by either:using dialogue, writing a letter, asking a question, describing the setting and emotions from the point of view of the protagonist, or telling about the protagonist from the point of view of another person while keeping in mind their narratives intended character, setting, time, and conflict.
 Students will write and edit a narrative's opening through the stages of: 1)randomly selecting character, setting, time, and conflict; 2)writing first draft;3)reading aloud and listening to read-alouds; 4)teacher led questioning regarding first draft read-alouds and listener responses; 5)reading aloud first page from various trade-book novels to identify author's strategies and their effectiveness in hooking the reader; 6)note-taking of strategies; 8)reviewing of strategies; 9) selecting strategy to use in creating second draft:...
 Writing Process Workbooks Trade books, i.e. Hoot, by Carl Hiassen; Charlotte's Web by ; Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli; Code Talkers by
 Students list on board four categories: Character, Setting, Time and Problem, and write ten entries under each heading. Students are told they will select one of each to keep in mind as they write a story.
 Students will be given twenty minutes to write. Students invited to read story openings, with teacher led questions following. Students invited to read opening paragraphs of selected trade books. Teacher led questions to follow regarding author's strategies of creating interest and of hinting at information.
 Students are teacher led in note-taking, recapping, and again reviewing the author strategies identified by listening attentively and analyzing trade book openings. Student invited to rewrite story openings, incorporating one or more of selected techniques identified.
 Students allowed to change characters, setting, time, problem to suit their needs.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students verbally identify technique practiced on their own drafts; Students verbally identify techniques used and evaluate their effectiveness in read-alouds by peer authors
Teacher Reflections:

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