Lesson Plan : Syllables

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Smith
 Grade 3
 Literature Activities

 Vocabulary from Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith
 Student will become knowledgeable of syllables, their importance in reading and speech, as well as how to diagram words according to their syllables.
 Student will be able to identify how many syllables each vocabulary word has with 90% accuracy. Students will be able to diagram words according to the number of syllables with 90% accuracy. Students will improve their pronunciation of vocabulary words due to syllabic awareness by 90%.
 Vocabulary list Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith Colored markers Notebook paper Syllable worksheet
 The teacher will write the name of the book (Chocolate Fever) on the board and ask the student to tell her the name of the book. The teacher will then proceed to define the concept of syllables and pronounce the word by syllables. The teacher will emphasize the fact that understanding the syllables in word make a difference in how the word is pronounced.
 The teacher will take a word from the vocabulary list and write it on the board. The teacher will then say the word correctly and ask the student to repeat it. The teacher will then demonstrate how to clap out the number of syllables. The teacher will perform a think aloud of how she determines how to break the syllables apart at this time. For example the word CARGO would receive two claps. The student would then repeat the clapping with the same word. As the student claps, the teacher will underline the syllable on the board to reinforce the understanding visually. The teacher will repeat this with several words until she feels the student has sufficient understanding.
 The teacher will distribute the list of vocabulary words to the student and allow her time to look them over. The teacher will then give the student a worksheet with the same vocabulary words on it. The student's task will be to determine how many syllables each word has and record the number. Then the student will break down the word into syllables and write the syllables each in a different color. For example: CARGO 2 CAR in red Go in blue. The student will complete this for the ten vocabulary words that she is given. To determine how many syllables each has, the student is allowed to use the clapping technique and/or the underlining that the teacher has already demonstrated. The teacher will also make herself available to help the student at any time and provide praise for correct answers and correction for any mistakes.
 The student will receive both oral and written directions. All oral directions will be repeated at least three times. Student and teacher will be in an ideal environment without noise; lesson can possibly be done while other students are engaged in silent reading.
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will give the student three previous vocabulary words and ask the student to clap out the number of syllables.
 The teacher will review the definition of syllables and their importance. The teacher will then provide the student with praise.
 The teacher will throughout the lesson look for signs of understanding from the student. The student will be considered making progress if she can recognize the presence of syllables and improves her pronunciation of the words.
Teacher Reflections:

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