Lesson Plan : A Picture is Worth a Thousand Word

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Flores
 Grade 7-8
 Language Arts

 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: From Image to Detailed Narrative
 Students will think critically about their interpretations of the events in an image and write about those ideas.
 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of narratives (e.g., sequence, storytelling). 2. Use detailed vocabulary to write their text.
 3. Explore connections between images and words. 4. (16) Writing/penmanship/capitalization/punctuation/spelling. The student composes original texts, applying the conventions of written language such as capitalization, punctuation, handwriting, penmanship and spelling to communicate clearly. 5. (17) Writing/grammar/usage. The student applies standard grammar and usage to communicate clearly and effectively in writing. 6. (19) Writing/evaluation. The student evaluates his/her own writing and the writings of others. 7. (22) Viewing/representing/interpretation. The student understands and interprets visual images, messages, and meanings. 8. (23) Viewing/representing/analysis. The student analyzes and critiques the significance of visual images, messages, and meanings.
 1. Copies of a picture that tells a story 2. Chalk board and chalk, erasable board and markers, or chart paper and markers
 1. Find any picture, preferably artwork that is telling a story with people and a clear situation. 2. Copy the picture for each student and have the original available for fine details.
 1. Distribute the picture to the students. 2. Ask students to examine the picture individually for a few minutes, writing down on a piece of paper any features or details that they notice.
 1. Students brainstorm about the possible events and characters this picture illustrates. Place the words or phrases under headings such as Character, Setting, Situation, and Vocabulary on the chalk board. 2. Remind students of the characteristics of narrative writing. You might write the information on the board so that students can refer to the list while working.
 As students share their ideas, place the words or phrases under headings such as Character, Setting, Situation, and Vocabulary. This is especially helpful for nonnative speakers, who may need help with vocabulary and spelling
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will read and note things that stand out as specific and well-detailed.
 Students will submit a rough draft. .
 Additional class sessions will be given for them to revise, type, and edit their papers. Students will do peer review before final is submitted. Teacher will also review each draft.
Teacher Reflections:
 A variety of finished products may result, each reflecting individual student's efforts. After reading each essay, the teacher will think of ways to improve her student�s writings.

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