Lesson Plan : Classifying Closed Syllables

Teacher Name:
 N. Childress
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Phonics; identifying closed syllables.
 Phonics, syllables, syllable types, closed syllable, syllable division
 The lesson is designed to help students identify closed syllable types.
 1. Given a definition of a closed syllable student will auditorily discriminate between closed syllable and non-closed syllable. 2. Given syllables printed on prepared index cards student will identify closed syllable types.
 Poster with syllable type definitions, whiteboard, dry erase markers, prepared index cards, paper,and colored pencils.
 Begin by saying several words with two syllables and have students clap for each syllable. (pencil, paper, table, window, etc.) Write the same words on the whiteboard and underline each syllable with student assistance. Tell students that each syllable in any word belongs to a certain syllable type. Point out Syllable Types poster and have them notice that there are several types. Tell them that today we will focus on the most common type-closed syllable. Give the definition: a syllable that ends with a consonant sound and whose vowel sound is short. Give examples dog, cap, at, rich.
 Go back to the previously written words and have students come to the board and circle the closed syllables. Point out the closed syllables do not have to start with a consonant and can end with a double consonant such as a digraph. Also point out that many one syllable words are also closed syllables. Have students think of words that are closed syllables. Introduce closed syllables that can be combined into two syllable words (write them on the board). hotdog, tinpan, contact, carpet Then write words with only one closed syllable and have students assist with identifying the closed syllable. carpool, doghouse, silent
 Pass out paper, pencils and index cards containing different syllable types; make sure each student gets at least 4 cards. Have students fold paper hotdog style and label the top closed syllable and other syllable. Have them sort the cards on the paper and then check with their shoulder buddy. When students are finished have them come one at a time and write their answers on a T-chart drawn on the whiteboard.
 Differentiate the difficulty of the syllable cards (soft c, digraphs, blends, etc.)
Checking For Understanding:
 Review students' charts for accuracy.
 Ask each student the definition of a closed syllable and have them give one of their examples.
 If students are able to successfully complete the independent practice then I will consider the lesson successful.
Teacher Reflections:
 I will make notes in my planbook as to the success of the lesson.

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