Lesson Plan : Teaching Information Literacy

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Flores
 Language Arts

 Teaching Information Literacy To Students Using Technology
 Key Vocabulary: computer, mouse, keyboard,computer screen, and website.
 Students will blend onsets and rimes in one-syllable words. Students will name upper and lower case letters. Students will associate letters with sounds. Students will learn the function of a computer mouse. Students will familiarize themselves with computers. Students will learn to evaluate computer websites.
 California Content Standards: Decoding and Word Recognition 1.14 Match all consonants ans short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters. 1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words 1.16 Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet Concepts About Print 1.6 Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet Phonemic Awareness 1.11 Distinguish orally stated one-syllable words and separate into beginning or ending sounds.
 Access to the computer lab
 Teacher will tell students that today they will be visiting a special place in our school (computer lab). Students will be explained the computer lab rules and walk student to the computer lab.
 Teacher will go over the key vocabulary by demonstrating what each item is. Teacher will explain to students what a computer is and what it is used for.
 Teacher will show students the computer mouse and show them how to use it. Teacher will explain to students what a website is and will introduce www.starfall.com Teacher will browse the website with the students and show them where and how to click on the mouse to go from one activity to another.
 Students having difficulty will be allowed to work in a small group with the instructional assistant.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will be asked to evaluate the website through the use of a journal. Each student will draw a picture of their favorite activity from the website and write a sentence. Students will write in their journal on a weekly basis.
 Students will be allowed to print out an activity page from www.starfall.com. The worksheet will be completed in class.
 Teacher will evaluate the website through the use of their journal. Teacher will observe students and test their computer skills (i.e. proper use of computer mouse, loging in, etc...)
Teacher Reflections:
 The lesson went well. The students were excited to learn about computers. Many of the students have never used a computer before and were very eager to learn how to use it. I allowed students to explore the website on their own and they were successful in completing activities.

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