Lesson Plan : "The Grace of the Witch"

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Walenta
 Grade 9-10
 Language Arts

 ~After Odysseus and his men leave the land of the Cyclops they go to the Island of Aeolous and stay with the wind king for a month. Aelous gives them a a bag of wind to blow them to Ithica and another bag holding all the Unfavorible storms. Within in sight of home while Odysseus is sleep his men open the bag thinking it contains gold and silver. It opens the wind and blows them all the way back to Aeolus. The King refuses to help them this time because he thinks the Gods are displeased with them. ~The next place Odyseus and his men go to is Laestrygones. Odyseus divides his men into groups and Eurylochus leads one platoon to explore the island. Odyseus stays behind on the ship with the remaining crew. Eurylochus and the other men go to the hall of Circe. They had stayed in the entrance way and had heard the Goddess Circe. Circe had came out in gave them a drink turning them all into pigs. Eurylochus had ran down to the ship and told Odyseus everything that had happened. Odyseus then rush to go save his men from Circe. On his way he meets the god hermes who gives him a magical plant called Moly to protect him from Circe. Odyseus must make sure Odyseus plays no witch Tricks. Circe had tried to Put a spell on Odyseus and he pulls out his sword. Cice is surprised by how he survivied her spell and they become lover. Odyseus and his men stay there for a year. They eventually leave and they ask Circe how they get to Ithica. The man are discouraged when she tells them they must travel throught the underworld.
 Vocabulary: Snare- adj. a trap Vile-adj. Disgusting enticing-adj.Luring, Tempting Succumb- v. to be overpowered; surrender Fawned on: Show infection for Charaters: Aeolus- the guardian of the winds Laestrygones-Cannibal inhabitant of distant land Eurylochus-a trusted officer of Odyseus Hermes-the god of the invention, commerce, and cunning; messenger of gods. Odyseus- A great warrior Circe- A bueatiful witch
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