Lesson Plan : Pronouns

Teacher Name:
 Alice Naranjo
 Grade 3
 Language Arts

 The use of Pronouns; Replacing Nouns with Pronouns; Combining Sentences with Pronouns.
 Pronouns: I, you, he, she, they, we Combining pronouns: you + they = you (all) you + I = we he + she = they you + she = you (both) he + I = we (s)he + they = they you + he = you (both) she + I = we they + I = we
 The students will demonstrate their understanding of replacing nouns with pronouns, and sentence combining with subject pronouns.
 By learning how to properly use pronouns, the students will become better readers, speakers and writers. They will be empowered with at tool that will them to create text that is reader friendly, and speak in a manner that is grammatically and socially acceptable.
 Overhead Projector; Transparencies; Houghton Mifflin Reading Practice Book - Level 3.2
 First Section of Lesson: The instructor will begin by posting a list of pronouns and asking the students what types of words they are. The instructor will review with the students what pronouns are and how they are used.
 First Section of Lesson: The instructor will model by reading a paragraph to the students that has been written using only nouns, and then discuss with the students: what they noticed about the paragraph; whether or not they found it easy to follow; and do they have any ideas about what could be changed to make it more understandable. The instructor will again model by reading the same paragraph that has had most of the nouns replaced with pronouns, and then discuss with the students: what they noticed to be different about the second paragraph compared with the first; how changing the nouns to pronouns helped the writer's word flow smoother. Second Section of Lesson: The instructor will model to the students by reading a group of combined pronoun sentences to the student: first reading each sentence using incorrect pronoun usage, followed by reading the same sentence using correct pronoun usage. The instructor will show students examples of pronouns with verbs and explain to them the exceptions to the rules; then explain how combining pronouns can change those rules.
 First Section of Lesson: Using the overhead projector, the instructor will guide students through ten sentences as they decide how to replace nouns with pronouns. The instructor will call upon students at random for answers. The teacher will write the amended sentences onto the transparency. Second Section of Lesson: Using the overhead projector, the instructor will guide students through ten sentences as they decide how to combine sentences with subject pronouns.. The instructor will call upon students at random for answers. The teacher will write the amended sentences onto the transparency.
Checking For Understanding:
 Through all stages of the lessons, the instructor will check for understanding by randomly calling on students. Additionally the instructor will monitor the students as they complete their workbook pages and give assistance to any student who needs help.
Teacher Reflections:

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