Lesson Plan : Understanding sentence order

Teacher Name:
 Grade 1
 Language Arts

 Understanding that sentences must be in order to make sense to the reader.
 Capital, Punctuation, Noun, Verb, Spacing
 The students will be able to put sentences in order to make sense.
 The student demonstrates understanding that words must be in order to make sense to a reader, and that words must make sense to be a sentence.
 sentence strips masking tape markers scissors
 The teacher will read a paragraph of about five sentences in length out of order and scrambled. Tell the students that they are all detectives who need to decode the message to solve the case.
 The teacher will emphasize the point that when the words are out of order, no one can understand the message. On the overhead projector, the teacher will model how to unscramble words to make a sentence.
 The students will be put into five groups, and given a bag of words (written on sentence strip). The groups must work colaboratively to unscramble the words to make a sentence. After all sentences have been correctly unscrambled, the class will reconvine to then put the sentences in the correct order to decode the message and solve the crime.
 If students are having trouble unscrambling sentences, have them write their own sentences on sentence strip, cut them up, mix them up, and have the student unscramble their own sentences.
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will check to see that students are correctly completing the worksheet.
 The teacher will ask the "quick check" question; What happens when words are not in order?
 The teacher will check worksheets to measure understanding.
Teacher Reflections:

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