Lesson Plan : Gender Equality - Popcorn!

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Dehan
 Grade 1
 Literature Activities

 Looking different on the outside does not mean we are not all humans and should be treated the same
 Big question: Are boys and girls supposed to like certain things? Key concepts: differences, uniqueness, judging Vocabulary: different, unique, respect
 - realize that looking different on the outside is okay because we are all made up of the same ingredients - treat others with respect and equality
 - explain that even if someone looks different, we should treat people as we would want to be treated - model appropriate ways to treat others - realize that judging people negatively is wrong
 - colored popcorn kernels - popcorn popper - butcher paper - markers - word wall chart - stopwatch - variety of magazines - construction paper
 Teacher has colored popcorn kernels placed in a circle and has students find a seat at a kernel in the circle. After kids are seated, teacher asks kids what they think is going to happen with all of these colored kernels when we put them in the corn popper in the middle of the classroom. Ask if it is okay that all the kernels are different colors.
 After students are focused and predict what they think will happen when kernels are popped, each student comes to the popper in the middle of the cirlce and adds his/her kernel to the machine. The students observe what happens to the kernels. The class records how long it takes the popcorn to pop with the stopwatch.
 As the kernels are popping, we will have a discussion on what the kids are seeing and discuss how although each were colored, they all turn out to be white popcorn. We will also examine what the popped corn looks like and observe how all popcorn is a different size and shape. As individuals, we all look different in appearance and enjoy doing/playing with various things; however, each of us is human and we are all equal. After discussing the experience, the class will create a story of what happened and how this relates to individuality and uniqueness. We will display the story on a wall in the classroom to remind us of the activity and how we should accept others for their differences.
 If kids are having a hard time finding words or pictures from magazines, they can think of their own ways to accept others for being different and write them on the construction paper. Also, half sheets of paper will be provided for some students, while kids who are faster finishers will fill up a whole page. Finally, for ESL students or Special Ed students, they could work with a partner to have 2 people working on 1 paper. They would also be able to consult with each other about the pictures.
Checking For Understanding:
 The children will find 1 person to share their work with, and as a team, they will present 4 pictures or words to the whole class and explain why they are important. These will also be collected by the teacher, so their individual work can be evaluated.
 Add words to the word wall - differences, unique. Close the lesson by reading the class story we made up from the popcorn experience earlier. The class will talk about what they learned from the experience and how this will change their future behavior toward people who are different than them.
 In order to measure the students progress, the teacher will listen to where the children are taking the experience in their discussions. Also, in the class story the kids come up with, it should be clear whether they got the point of the lesson. When students are working on the construction paper/magazine activity, the teacher can walk around observe the work they are doing and ask specific questions about why they are cutting out certain pictures/words. The teacher can keep a checklist and mark off the students that give explanations that show they understand.
Teacher Reflections:
 This lesson satisfies diverse learners because there are extensions that can be given for early finishers. Also, these early finishers will have a full sheet of paper for fill out. Those who are slower and have trouble will be able to think of words we have discussed and draw their own pictures to make it a little easier. I believe that with ESL and Special Ed kids working together, this would allow them to have more one on one discussion and would help them feel like they are participating in the assignment and accomplishing it. I think that this lesson will be fun for students b

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