Lesson Plan : Yingtao's New Friend

Teacher Name:
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Comparing and Contrast; Multiple meaning words; Realistic Fiction
 Reading - Voc. Words instruments, rehearsal, triangle, orchestra, measures
 Students will complete a compare and contrast chart or Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Yingtao and his new friend as well as compare and contrast themselves with a friend, also using a chart or Venn Diagram.
 Students will recognize that a comparison tells how two or more things are alike, while a contrast tells how they are different; identify clue words that show comparisons and contrasts; use context to determine meanings of multiple-meaning words; daraw on experiences to bring meaning to multiple-meaning words; use new vocabulary words to discuss music.
 Reading text, Leveled Readers for extra practice in compare and contrast, multiple meaning words, work book pages for practice .
 Assess prior knowledge and build background for the story. For the Skill:Write Breakfast and Lunch on the board. Have students to name things they eat and drink for these meals and list the responses under the appropriate headings. Circle items that appear on both lists and underline items that are different on the two lists. Point out that you can compare the two meals by telling what items appear on both lists. If you tell how the lists are different, you are contrasting the two meals.
 Compare and contrast Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Crump. Read Anna's New School. Read Yingtao's New Friend
 Workbook, reader, Leveled readers, and worksheets.
 Lower reading groups will read the easy Leveled Reader while the upper group will read the on level or challange leveled reader and will complete the corresponding worksheet.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will verbally compare and contrast two items assigned by teachers.
 Review charts and worksheets to see if students record similarities and differences in their charts.
 Selection test, skills test and comparision and contrast of their families to Yingtao's family.
Teacher Reflections:

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