Lesson Plan : God's Amazing Grace

Teacher Name:
 Jennifer Terry
 Grade 11-12

 Grace: Salvation and a gift from God
 Ephesians 1:4-7,Ephesians 2:8-9, Ephesians 4:7, 1 Peter 4:10 Key words:grace,gift, faith, works.love We will be discussing salvation, and how God chose us to be holy and blameless through grace. We will discuss grace and how it is a gift from God. No one can earn or do good deeds to get grace. You were saved through faith when you believed and accepted Jesus into your heart. Then you recieved grace.
 My goal is to explain that grace is a gift from God. We cannot work or earn grace. I will also explain how God gave us grace according to the measure of Christ. We also should be serving one another, and showing grace to others, as God has shown his amazing grace and love to us. I will have the children memorize a verse, and work together to answer questions about how God has shown them this gift of grace, when they didn't deserve it.
 Demonstrate the gift of God through a dvd clip, white board, and questions for discussion. I will give students a clear understanding of grace. We are justified by his grace, and are heirs to the hope of eternal life. I will have the children interact with each other.
 white board, questions for discussion, dvd-music, "Amazing grace song with clips to remind them of God's grace. gift box with 3x5 cards with all the scriptures scented with a fruity smell.
 I will start off with prayer. We will be learning about grace today. First I want to know what you think about grace. I will ask that the teens find a partner to answer the 2 questions on the board. They will have 5 min to discuss. Then they will write it on the white board in front of the class. We will enter into discussion.
 I will write the definition of grace. We will begin by turning in our Bibles to Ephesians 1:4-7. We will discuss this passage. I will call on teens to read Ephesians 2:8-9. There will be an opportunity to ask question and I will also break down words. Then we will turn to Ephesians 4:7. The last scripture we will turn to is 1 Peter 4:10. After scripture reading and discussion, I wil show them the dvd presentation.
 Students will get into groups and come up with a scenario about grace. It has to be creative, using markers demonstrating the point of the lesson.
 We are in a highschool classroom with table and chairs. I will be sitting down with them and standing to write things on the white board. I have found sitting with teens at there level causes less intimidation and teens are also more comfortable.
Checking For Understanding:
 Ask questions for understanding. Ask teens what one thing did you learn today.
 Grace is a gift from god, and not of works. Salvation and faith are a key to understanding what has already been done for you.
 Hand out evaluations to children.
Teacher Reflections:
 Determine how you think the teaching was. What can you do to improve?

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