Lesson Plan : God is...

Teacher Name:
 Roy Moore
 Grade 3

 God is love. Key words: love, abide, perfection/completeness, commands, burden
 The goal of this lesson is to read 1 John 4:7-5:5 and understand what John means.
 Today we will understand that God is love. Today we will understand the relationship between abiding in God and loving one another.
 small whiteboards, markers, highlighters, student name sticks, projector, power point presentation, text from 1 John
 I will begin the lesson by asking each student to write down his/her definition of love on a small whiteboard. Then we will get into small groups of 3 to share the definitions. Each group will share its best definition with the entire class. Next I will introduce the learning objectives for the lesson. (5 min.)
 Using a power point presentation, I will introduce the key concepts from 1 John 4:7-5:5. These include: the source of love, the fruit of love, the relationship of love for God and for one another, and obedience as evidence of love for God's children. (7-10 min.)
 Each student will be given a copy of the text and a highlighter. They will be asked to find evidence for the aforementioned key concepts. The students will share what they have found with their group members and then called on randomly to share with the entire class. (30-45 min.)
 Blooms Taxonomy questions from various levels. KNOWLEDGE: What is the definition of love? EVALUATION: What evidence from the passage defends or redefines your definition of love? APPLICATION: How does the text apply to our lives today and how do we exhibit love for others?
Checking For Understanding:
 Checking for understanding will take place throughout the entire lesson through the use of the small whiteboards as well as pair/share and whole group discussions.
 Based on the text in 1 John 4:7-5:5, how can we exhibit love toward God and to one another? (5-10 min.)
 The students will defend or redefine their definition of love based on the text from 1 John. Students will be able to explain the relationship between abiding in God and loving one another.
Teacher Reflections:

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