Lesson Plan : Metropolitan Museum of Art

Teacher Name:
 Grade 11-12
 Arts and Crafts

 Comparison Slides-Field Trip on Wednesday to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
 Monday-Tuesday-Thursday and Friday students will be viewing pairs of slides and writing about them in a 10 minute format as required by the AP standards. These are slides they have not seen and they must compare and contrast as well as indicate what time period the images are from and why. Students will also have multiple choice questions based on two slides for a 4 minute response time.
 Students will be able to use the Venn diagram to start their 10 minute essay on comparing unknown images. Students will be able to write a 10 minute essay using proper terminology. Students will be able to compare and contrast two slides and answer multiple choice questions in a 4 minute format
 Students will be able to react quickly by gathering their thoughts in a Venn diagram format. Students will be able to translate their ideas into a 10 minute essay. Students will able to answer multiple choice questions based on two slides.
 slide presentation
 On Monday the teacher will present examples of the two slide format for both 10 minute essay and for the 4 minute multiple choice format. Tuesday/Thursday/Friday will be written/mc exercises.
 Students will use the Venn diagram format on Monday and write 10 minute timed essays and 4 minute timed questions. A discussion will be guided at the conclusion. Proper vocabulary will be emphasized.
 Students will discuss their reactions to the timing, and their 'identification' questions.
 The teacher will work with individual students.
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will assess the assignments are return them the following week.
 This exercise is ongoing.
Teacher Reflections:

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