Lesson Plan : Deaf Awareness Week/Non-Verbal Communication

Teacher Name:
 Denise Stokes
 Grade 9-10
 World Languages

 Deaf Awareness Week/Non-Verbal Communication focus: we are going to focus on the celebration of Deaf Awareness week and the use of Non-Verbal Communication in language (ASL-specifically). We will also continue to reinforce fingerspelling skills in the class
 Survival Signs II vocabulary; Intro to School Vocabulary, "What is Mime", semantics, kinesthetic movement and relationships to language. Vocabulary will emphasize asking for help in ASL, and vocabulary related to school (functional-notional approach to language learning).
 Students will improve their manual dexterity (=/-5% improvement by assessment); students will understand and analyze the impact of non-verbal communication on meaning in language (intent, sarcasm,mood, and register/ inflection-in ASL). Students will analyze various contributions to society by Deaf/HoH individuals and apply this to their daily lives by a class reflection-small project.
 The teacher will observe an improvement in students' ability to attend to signed conversations with an 80% comprehension-measured by Non-Manual Signals, question/answer sessions/Plus-Delta; students will reinforce previously-learned vocabulary and add 25 new signs to their vocabulary by the end of the week. Students will be assessed with a receptive assessment 9-26; results will be analyzed and distributed via Excel chart and discussed. Lip Synch Project will be begun 9-25.
 TV/DVD, computer, laptop, digital video camera, worksheet copies, overhead, United Streaming (T-Th)
 DLAs this week will be information about Deaf contributions (1st Deaf Miss America, football huddle, Thomas Edison, 1st deaf Survivor contestant, deaf inventor of the Internet, deaf founder of the girl scouts, etc.) This emphasizes the Culture and Connections in the LOTE TEKS.
 Teacher will model sign vocabulary for students. Students will have new seating arrangement in a "U" shape, so eveyone can see each other to sign. We are going to begin establishing our small sign communities and work as a unit, rather than teacher-input to students only. Vocab is large enough now to be successful in this.
 "Around the Sign World" (game with fingerspelling); vocab challenge (Survivor sign Video teacher-created); sign parameter charts from overhead, non-verbal communication miming games. "From Mime to Sign" by Gil Eastman will be reading minutes this week.
 For students that are overly anxious, we are going to begin in a group activity before we do any individual activities. For assessments, I have reduced answer choices from 4 to 3. I have incorporated activities to include as many different learning types as possible-active, aural, visual, kinesthetic, etc.
Checking For Understanding:
 Teacher will look for "culturally appropriate feedback"-head nods, active listening behaviors (signs indicating understanding from the students, "don't know"or "repeat" sign if needed-students have learned that ASL is an interactive language requiring active participation on both sides of the conversation.).
 Food for Thought daily-we toss an "Apple-shaped" ball around and tell one thing we learned today that we didn't know the day before. Reading Minute-this is brief bytes of info about the day's events and a taste of tomorrow is upcoming news about the next day. Continuity is emphasized, so students can see the building process of the learning objectives!
 Teacher-created quiz; Consensogram week 5-we are keeping a record of progress weekly, so students have a tangible idea and example of improvement. We do weekly reflections, and self-evals to measure individual progress as well. Teacher will also conduct informal evals of students' progress by observation and positive feedback, providing corrective guidance as to handshape, etc. when needed.
Teacher Reflections:

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