Lesson Plan : The Ancient Egyptians

Teacher Name:
 Anna LaRegina
 Grade 9-10
 Social Studies

 The Ancient Egyptians
 To understand the importance of the contributions made by the ancient Egyptians and how they effect society today. Key terms which will be introduced during the lesson are silt, cataract, delta, dynasty, pharaoh, vizier, hieroglyphics, demotic, papyrus and mummification.
 To understand the main achievements of ancient Egyptian civilization. ELA (national) Students use a variety of technological information resources (e.g. libraries, databases, computer networks and video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowwledge. ELA (state) Students will read, write, listen and speak for social interaction. IRA (national) Candidates use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to support reading and writing instruction. NETS (national) Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. NETS (state) Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.
 During a social studies lesson on ancient Egypt and given the key terms delta, pharaoh, dynasty, papyrus and hieroglyphics and given the directions "write three paragraphs using the key terms in the paragraphs describing the significance of each key term" the student will write three paragraphs using at least three out of five key terms in the paragraphs. Using the Internet and given the instructions "work in groups of five and create a WebQuest on an assigned topic" students will work together to design a WebQuest on their assigned topic and will name five additional links to be added on their WebQuests as resources.
 Computer with Internet access printer Laptop and LCD projector and screen www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/explore/age2.html www.touregypt.net/kings.htm overhead projector notebook pen or pencil
 Lesson will begin with a K-W-L written on the blackboard.Teacher will ask students to make a K-W-L chart in their notebooks and write down under the "K" column what they already know about the ancient Egyptians. Teacher will write down pyramids under the "K" column on the blackboard to activate students prior knowledge. Students will be asked to write down under the "W" column what they want to learn about the ancient Egyptians. Students will be instructed to leave the "L" column blank.
 Teacher will give a general overview about the ancient Egyptians using a Power Point Presentation. Using the overhead projector teacher will write down all of the key terms for the lesson. Using the textbook, teacher will write down the definition for the first key term. Students will be instructed to complete the remainder of the key terms on their own. Definitions will be written down in their notebooks. Teacher will ask students to volunteer their answers with the class. Teacher will assign a reading passage to the students and instruct students to identify the main ideas from the reading. Using the overhead projector, teacher will read the first pargraph and write down the main idea on the overhead projector for students to copy down in their notebooks. Teacher will lead discussion asking students what were the main ideas from the remainder of the reading. Students will participate in the group discussion and take notes. Teacher will demonstrate to students how to fin the website to answer the questions on the worksheet. Teacher will hand out worksheet with questions and provide students with the website www.touregypt.net/kings.htm and will allow students to use the Internet to find the answers to the questions. Teacher will demonstrate to students how to create a WebQuest using resources found on the Internet for the students final project. Teacher will divide class into groups of five for a final project. Each group will be assigned one aspect of ancient Egyptian life, Religion and the afterlife, Dynasties and Rulers, Art/architecture, and hieroglyphics and the Rosetta stone. Students will create a WebQuest and a task using their assigned topic. Students will be asked to use the Internet to research additional links that can be incorporated into their WebQuest for aditional resources.
 Teacher will demonstrate how to fill out a K-W-L chart by writing on the blackboard information already known about the ancient Egyptians. Teacher will write down a question on what the class would like to learn about the ancient Egyptians. The students will be given two minutes to do the K-W-L chart in their notebooks. Teacher will use the overhead projector and demonstrate to the students how to write down one key term and locate the definition in the textbook. Students will have ten minutes to define the key terms. Teacher will read the first paragraph out loud to the class and using the overhead projector write down the main idea from the paragraph. Students will be given twenty minutes to write down the main ideas in their notebooks. Teacher will answer the first question from the worksheet and demonstrate to students how to find the website needed to answer the questions. Students will be given ten minutes to find the answers to the rest of the questions using the website and Internet. Teacher will ask students what they have learned from the leasson and together will complete the "L" column of the chart.
 Students can choose one of the following assignments to demonstrate what they have learned. Create a chart or timeline of the important contributions made by the ancient Egyptians. Do an oral presentation to the class on the important contributions made by the ancient Egyptians. Write a five page paper on the important contributions made by the ancient Egyptians.
Checking For Understanding:
 Teacher will check for understanding throughout the lesson by questioning the students on the key terms, main ideas and accuracy of answers from the Internet search. The K-W-L chart of each student will be collected and reviewed by the teacher to check for understanding. Each groups WebQuest will be peer reviewed by their classmates and the teacher for accurate information.
 Students should have learned the important contributions of the ancient Egyptians and how they effect society today. In the next lesson we will learn about the people of Mesopotamia.
 Students will be evaluated on the presentation of their work, accuracy of their answers, their ability to find the website, navigate within the website and print their answers to the assigned questions. In addition students will be evaluated on their final project on their creativity on their WebQuest, presentation of work, accuracy of answers, ability to navigate the Internet to find additional resources to be used as links on their WebQuest.
Teacher Reflections:
 This lesson combines traditional inquiry based learning with technology to enhance student learning and outcomes.

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