Lesson Plan : Inca Rebellion

Teacher Name:
 Nick Marturano
 Grade 9-10
 Social Studies

 Conquistadors: Inca Rebellion
 Almagro Definition:Pizarro's former partner who became his fiercest enemy during the Inca rebellion Context:Manco Capac's gravest mistake was to make Almagro his ally. In 1544, seven of Almagro's men assassinated Manco Inca. Cuzco Definition:The capital of the Inca Empire Context:Cuzco was the site of the first Inca rebellion against the Spaniards. Manco Inca Definition:The Inca emperor who organized a resistance and fought the Spaniards from 1536 until his death in 1544 Context:Manco Inca staged two rebellions against the Spaniards, but ultimately the Incas were defeated. Francisco Pizarro Definition:The Spanish conquistador who successfully defeated the Inca Context:Francisco Pizarro and his brothers were successful in crushing the Inca rebellion. Vilcabamba Definition:A heavily forested, remote mountainous area of Peru to which Manco Inca retreated in the midst of the Inca rebellion Context:As Manco Capac and his followers retreated to Vilcabamba, they destroyed the roads and bridges behind them in an attempt to prevent the Spaniards from pursuing them.
 Students will research and report on the Inca uprising from the point of view of either the conquistadors or the Incas; and write a short essay on whether or not this uprising and bloody clash of cultures could have been avoided.
 Computer with Internet access Paper, pens, pencils Print materials on the Inca rebellion
 Engage students in a discussion of the Inca rebellion. Encourage them to consider the clash of cultures from the point of view of both the Spanish conquistadors and the Incas. Make sure students understand the following events: Manco Inca was put into place as emperor of the Incas by Pizarro as a puppet ruler; Manco Inca surprised the Spaniards by organizing a resistance; and Manco Inca was motivated to fight the Spaniards because he hated them after they humiliated him.
 Tell students they are going to work in groups to research both sides of the Inca rebellion and then give a brief report to the class. As part of their research, students in each group should answer these questions: What was the goal or purpose of your assigned group (conquistadors or Incas)? Who were some of the main characters involved in your group's side of the resistance? What kind of life was your group accustomed to? In what ways did your group differ from the other group? What advantages did your group have in this clash of cultures? What disadvantages did it face? In your opinion, what mistakes or errors of judgment did your group make? Tell students that each group also should include in its report five or more direct passages or quotations from research that back up an answer to a question or provide other information about the group's perspective. Suggest that students look for examples of a particular bias or prejudice on the part of the writer.
 Divide the class into two groups; assign one Francisco Pizarro and the Spaniards, the other Manco Inca and the Incas. If possible, have students use library resources as well as the Internet for their research. Direct the group focusing on the Spanish conquistadors' role in the Inca uprising to the following Web sites: http://www.fll.vt.edu/culture-civ/spanish/texts/spainlatinamerica/pizarro.html http://www.bruce.ruiz.net/PanamaHistory/francisco_pizarro.htm http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tutor/eurvoya/inca.html Direct the group focusing on the Incas' waging of their rebellion to the following Web sites: http://www.jqjacobs.net/andes/tupac_amaru.html http://www.bookrags.com/books/hcpru/PART19.htm http://www.hc09.dial.pipex.com/incas/conquest-1537.shtml#top http://www.famousamericans.net/mancoincayupanqui/
 Allow students to do their research in either groups, no more than three, or individually.
Checking For Understanding:
 When the student groups have finished their research, have them give a brief report to the class, answering the assigned questions and using appropriate passages as support.
  After students have completed their research and written their papers, have them share their ideas with the class.
 Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate students' work during this lesson. Three points: Students participated actively in class discussions; worked cooperatively and effectively in their group and ensured that the assigned questions were answered clearly and thoughtfully in the report; wrote a paragraph or short essay that presented clear reasons for their opinion. Two points: Students participated somewhat in class discussions; worked somewhat cooperatively and effectively in their group and contributed somewhat to ensuring that the assigned questions were answered clearly and thoughtfully in the report; wrote a paragraph or short essay that presented somewhat clear reasons for their opinion. One point: Students did not participate in class discussions; did not work cooperatively or effectively in their group to ensure that the assigned questions were answered clearly and thoughtfully in the report; wrote a paragraph or short essay that lacked clear reasons for their opinion.
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