Lesson Plan : Lexington and Concord

Teacher Name:
 Melissa Medina
 Grade 11-12
 Social Studies

 Battles of Lexington and Concord
 SS, Turning points in US History
 Identify key figures in the battles and understand the significance of each of their roles. Identify cause and effects of the battle Be able to compare early american history with recent historical events. Understand how America was influenced by Enlightenment thinking. Have the students provide most of the information for the lesson by critical assessing documents both primary and secondary.
 Powerpoint, movie clip, handouts
 In the beginning of class I will divide the students into two groups, Loyalist and Patriots. I will then ask each student to pretend they were able to ask the other side a question and to write that question down. After about 2 minutes of writing I will then call up two students at a time one from each side to role play and ask and answer each other's question,I will do this for about six students. After the activity is over I will explain that during the battles of Lexington and Concord neither side took the time to ask and answer questions, they simply were prepared for battle.
 I will then play a short clip reenacting the battles: http://www.earlyamerica.com/shot_heard.htm
 After the film I will then ask the students to provide some key figures seen in the clip, I will write them on the board and as a class we will formulate a more comprehensive definition of the given person's role in the battles. Next, I will pull up powerpoint slides providing more information on the battles. However, not all of the slide will be complete. For example the causes of the battles will be provided but the effects of the battle will be listed as a questions and will depend on class participation and critical thinking to fill them in, just as was done for the key figures.
Checking For Understanding:
 This lesson is dependent on student participation and an understading of primary and secondary sources. Understading will be apparant when students are able to complete the given task with little guidance, if too much guidance is needed then more thought provoking questions will be needed during and after the lesson.
 To wrap up the lesson I will briefly review how the battles were the beginning of the American Revolution and how this was a turning point in US History because it forever changed perspectives of America. I will also refer to how the Revolution is not the last time America will face times of change and how our thoughts and past actions were influenced by the spirit of the times, especially the Enlightenment.
Teacher Reflections:

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