Lesson Plan : A Character Lifebox

Teacher Name:
 Monica Simmons
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Students will work in pairs to create a "life box" of a character in the play. The students will understand the importance of the relationships amoungst the characters in the play and/or book.
 Students will: will create a character life box for a character in The Shakespeare Stealer. research information about their character or his/her job. write a rhyme royal to describe the character depicted in their life box. present their character life boxes to the class.
 A sample life box for Queen Elizabeth The sample "rhyme royal," written on large chart paper The Shakespeare Stealer, a book by Gary Blackwood
 Tell students: The objects people pack in purses, backpacks, gym bags, brief cases, or suitcases tell a lot about what they do or where they are going. You could call these things �character life boxes,� because they reveal something about a person�s life. Examples could be: Backpack: history, math, and spelling books � may indicate a student�s homework load for the night; Gym bag: tennis racket, a tube of yellow tennis balls, a towel, and wrist and head bands � may indicate a game of tennis is to be played; Brief case: a legal brief and a court calendar � may indicate a lawyer; Suitcase: swim trunks, snorkel gear, and flippers � may indicate this person is heading for a vacation near the water.
 In Shakespeare�s writings, the Bard gave clues to the actors about how to say the words through rhymes and rhythms in the text. Many lines are in iambic pentameter, a rhythm not unlike a heartbeat. He also used couplets to close out a scene. A rhyme royal is another form of rhyme Shakespeare used. The pattern is ABABBCC. In other words, the lines A rhymed, the lines B rhymed, and the lines C rhymed. Post the Queen Elizabeth poem used earlier in the lesson. Have students look at the rhyme royal carefully to identify the pattern.
 Identify several characters in The Shakespeare Stealer. Give students an opportunity to create a rhyme royal of their own using one of these characters.
Checking For Understanding:
 Have each pair present the finished life box to class. Presenters should show the five selected props, drawings, or costume pieces of their character. They should also read their rhyme royal. Have the class guess the identity of the character presented. Each pair should hand in the life box, and all written material, for assessment.
 Assess the students based on their success in completing the following tasks: creating or finding five props/costumes/drawings to help identify the character assigned to them. composing a rhyme royal with the ABABBCC rhyme pattern. composing a rhyme royal that gave clues about the character. presenting the life box and rhyme royal to the class
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