Lesson Plan : Ndebele Object Painting

Teacher Name:
 Sara Toothman
 Grade 9-10
 Arts and Crafts

 Ndebele aesthetic style of flat, outlined painting as it applies to domestic painting and art history.
 Ndebele peoples live in Transvaal, South Africa and consider themselves a nation within the nation of South Africa Their homes are constructed from branches, tree trunks, mud, and dung bricks. Stads are groups of huts in a cluster. The women are responsible for decorating the homes; men are responsible for constructing the homes. Ndebele patterns are always geometric, yet imperfect. Designs are inspired from nature, Roman numerals, texts, and other facets of their ever-changing environments. Ndebele wall painting is interesting because it is an example of a "tradition" that has been created only in the last 60 or so years, but so successfully that its style is instantly recognizable, and as such it has become a dominant marker of a people's identity. The reaction of the Ndebele people to the world around them shows in the symbols that are incorporated into the paintings. Their change over time represents an artistic history.
 The learner will organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through knowledge of organizational principles of design and art elements. (National Standard 2) The learner will develop skills necessary for understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes. (National Standard 1) The learner will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures. (National Standard 4)
 TLW: Calculate both cross-cultural influence and the medium or techniques used for an individual artwork. TLW: Recognize the difference between decorative, functional, and symbolic artwork. TLW: Understand the role of the artist and how it differs in various cultures and times realizing that his can affect what, how, and for whom the artist creates artwork. TLW: Reconstruct the purpose for the assignment so that the outcome is successful. TLW: Prepare and set personal goals to produce artwork. TLW: Employ images from personal knowledge base, the environment, and global awareness in artwork. TLW: Illustrate ideas for artwork with sketches. TLW: Use imagination as a source of symbolic and abstract expression.
 Ndebele PowerPoint Presentation 9x12 paper Fine art pens pencils rulers
 Introduction of the table I created and painted using the Ndebele style of painting.
 Through a PowerPoint presentation and skeletal notes, students will receive information about Ndebele culture and painting. They will see many examples of Ndebele painting as well as student examples.
 Students will create thumbnail sketches of their intended design and have one approved by the instructor.
 Students having difficulty producing an original design will read the extra chapter in the African Art textbook, paying particular attention to the images provided. They will also create a list of 5 things they see every day and will make a symbol out of one of those. From there they will include that abstracted symbol in their design.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will work in groups to try and identify the inspiration for their own Ndebele styled design. Students will also identify the successes and failures of each others' designs to determine how close to the Ndebele style each design is.
 Students will walk around the classroom and view each others' designs.
 According to the following rubric students will be assessed: Ndebele style (black outlines, geometric shapes, flat color) 50 points Completion of the design (30 points) Neatness (no stray marks,consistency in pen/marker marks, straight lines, symmetry) 20 points
Teacher Reflections:
 I have not taught this yet, but I certainly look forward to some quality reflection when I am finished.

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