Word Problem Worksheets

We feature a series of word problems from beginner to more advanced. You will now find grade leveled problems in sets and skill based word problems as well.

Grade Leveled Word Problems

  • Grade 1 Version 1 - We focus on addition skills and basic sums in this version.
  • Grade 1 Version 2 - We switch over to differences and subtraction skills with this set.
  • Grade 1 Version 3 - This one mixes addition with subtraction. We also add a sentence.
  • Grade 1 Version 4 - We now start adding 2 step problems all using the same operation.
  • Grade 2 Version 1 - You really have to read these problems carefully. We mix number sentences up with numbers. See if you get what we are saying?
  • Grade 2 Version 2 - Classic problems for any student who participates in afterschool activities. A real well rounded set of skills are tested here. We include money, time, and measurement on top of your usual series of questions.
  • Grade 2 Version 3 - We ask students to determine the signs of measurement that are needed here to complete the problems. Mostly addition and subtracting.
  • Grade 2 Version 4 - These problems were written to have the important data in the front of the problem and the operations can be found later in the reading. These are long sentences. A minimum of 3 for each question.
  • Grade 3 Version 1 - Each problem establishes a unique scenario and situation to work with. The last sentence determines the action you are to take on the data that is presented. These problems begins to incorporate multiplication.
  • Grade 3 Version 2 - This starts out in a very similar fashion to our first worksheet, but we pull all kinds of units of measurement out after we get past the second problem. Our first meeting with division in the sense of sharing.
  • Grade 3 Version 3 - Most of the problems include 3 forms of data to make it a bit harder to piece the solution together. We start using all base operations.
  • Grade 3 Version 4 - The questions are written in a format that you will find often on the national tests. Make sure to draw a picture to help you understand what is being asked of you. Measurement start to be used more often.
  • Grade 4 Version 1 - These problems require division, multiplication, and the proper use of decimals. We work with multi-digit whole numbers.
  • Grade 4 Version 2 - Some students might be tricked by the setup of these problems. Our best advice is to draw what each problem is asking you to solve. Ordering and equivalence of fractions.
  • Grade 4 Version 3 - Very practical household problems that you would run into as a home owner. Hopefully the problems will have carry over for you. Starting to include more abstract forms of notation.
  • Grade 4 Version 4 - For the most part the problems are all unit based. The first problem is more of a recall of geometry than a word problem. This set asks students to make sense of a string of odd number set.
  • Grade 5 Version 1 - If you have a student that volunteers their time often, this set of problems definitely is right up their alley. We work on patterns a bit.
  • Grade 5 Version 2 - We cover a super, mega - range of topics in this one. It makes a great review sheet for all students. The operations get a bit harder to work with.
  • Grade 5 Version 3 - Clearly stated problems that students should be able to master after you cover basic statistics with them; such as averages and ranges. We include statistics and patterns in this set.
  • Grade 5 Version 4 - These problems are obsessed with terrain and lawns too. This page turns up the heat. We introduce a number of critical thinking exercises.
  • Grade 6 Version 1 - The sixth grade starts out as a spiral review of previous work. We step up the level of difficulty and variety of question topic bases in grade 6.
  • Grade 6 Version 2 - Fractions are used extensively in the series. You will need to create mixed numbers at times. This page can trick many people. Especially number 3 and 5.
  • Grade 6 Version 3 - These problems are great to sum up a clever stats or basic algebra unit. When I first saw this, I thought it was a a lower grade level, but it is aligned.
  • Grade 6 Version 4 - Common everyday problems that we will see often.
  • Grade 7 Version 1 - We test you skills on these problems to an extensive level. You might find some of these very challenging. A really good mixture of question types and topics.
  • Grade 7 Version 2 - The first two problems are very probably to show up on a standards aligned assessment. We have seen something similar on the last 4 exams. We settle in with some fractions, percentages and recipes.
  • Grade 7 Version 3 - These are geared more towards the latter half of the school year. Some of the skills are slightly advanced for the level. We recommend drawing out each scenario to truly grasp the problem.
  • Grade 7 Version 4 - This makes for a great review sheet at the end of the year. Skills from all over the year appear here. These problems mirror questions found on a recent standard assessment.
  • Grade 8 Version 1 - Most of the problems involve money. At this grade level it is a true motivator of students.
  • Grade 8 Version 2 - It may not look like it, but all of these problems fall under most measurement standards that we see on a regular basis. Just about every word based skill is tested here.
  • Grade 8 Version 3 - These seem mostly like problems that would only apply to grown ups. Then I tend to forget that most students at this level will be paying some one rent in less than 4 years. Makes for a wonderful year end review.
  • Grade 8 Version 4 - These problems develop some what of a run on set of topics that asks the students to determine what is actually important. The problems are a bit length to read and complete here.

Skill Focused Word Problems

Mixed Skills

  • 5 Steps to Solving All Word Problems - A basic overview for students. This is a wonderful reference sheet for students to have handy when always solving word problems.
  • Word Problem Worksheet Basic 1 - We use very basic numbers to work on all operations. This is a very simplistic form of the problems. The operations can be done quickly.
  • Basic 2 - Common scenarios that most kids will run into at some point. You will find a great difference in problem types. A good range of skills are tested.
  • Basic 3 - Mostly simple addition and subtraction on these. This is a super easy set of problems. We use it to help build confidence in our students.
  • Basic 4 - We break out the multiple choice problems for this 2 pager. This set is very close to the basic testing formats that you will see on National tests. This is set over 2 pages.
  • Easter Related Word Problems 5 - All the problems are themed on Easter. Each question has a question that includes the basic math operations in the fore front.
  • Money Related Word Problem Basic 6 - All are currency related, even the last political question. These word problems are focused on the use and understanding of money.
  • Long Reading Word Problems 7 - These problems test your reading endurance. This set uses a much larger number of words. We start to test their reading endurance with these problems.
  • Basic 8 - Includes fractions, basic operations, and story dissection. A really great mix of skills. Includes currency, fractions, basic operations, and more.
  • Time Related Word Problems 9 - Includes all forms of time from differences to time as a unit of measure. All the problems use time related units. We might have thrown one in there that was out of the box to see if kids are paying attention.
  • Basic 10 - These problems are a fun read. They include percentages and measurement. These problems are slightly shorter than previous versions. Great for a quick review when you are ready.
  • Basic: Flower - All problems are related to the flower industry. In a fun way of course! All the problems are in a florist theme, if you will. Basic problems you would run into on any day of the week.
  • Intermediate 1 - Incorporates percentage, fractions, and ounces. These problems turn up the heat a bit. Each problem requires multiple steps to complete.
  • Intermediate 2 - Some of these questions will need to be drawn out to totally understand. This set includes units of measure as an outside step to completing the process of the problem.
  • Intermediate 3 - Students should now be more comfortable with larger number sets. Such a random set of skills is tested here that it makes a great math skill check up for students.

How to Solve Word Problems?

Word problems are not just fun but are an excellent exercise for the brain. They also help improve reasoning and cognitive skills in students while improving their math skills. If you struggle with word problems, we have just the tips to help. So, read on to find out!

Seven Essential Tips and Tricks on How to Solve Them

Here are some simple and easy tips that you can use to solve word problems effectively:

1. Go Through the Entire Word Problem Carefully

One of the key factors to solving a word problem is reading and understanding precisely what is being asked. Students tend to assume they are ready to solve a word problem after reading it only once, which is not the case. So, go over the word problem slowly at least twice before attempting to solve it. Read in slowly, as this will help you understand it a little better and get the bigger picture.

2. Answer Some Basic Questions About the Word Problem

Before solving a word problem, you must ask yourself a few basic questions. Answering these will help you create a plan or strategy for solving them. Here are the three questions to keep in mind:

- What is the word problem asking?

The first and foremost question involves figuring out what is being asked. Word problems often contain irrelevant or extra details to confuse the reader. Students need to be mindful of this and stay focused on what is being asked. So, train yourself to ignore extraneous information and keep your eye on the information relevant to the problem. This comes with practice. As you solve more and more problems, you will begin to understand common patterns and tricks that often confuse the reader.

- Which functions do I need to use to solve the word problem?

The second question involves narrowing down what is needed to solve the problem. For instance, at this point, you need to decide whether you have to add, subtract, multiply, etc., to reach the desired answer. Once you figure out what function you will be using, it will help you decide which pieces of information you will use in doing so. This way, you can proceed better.

- What information is already provided to me in the word problem?

The third question involves focusing on which numbers or figures provided the problem will be used in solving it. You will have come across these numbers while going over the word problem initially and probably not have known what to do with the numbers. It will start to make sense after you have addressed these three basic questions.

3. Write the Word Problem in Your Own Words

Another essential tip to solving the word problem is either to write it down in your own words or try explaining it to someone. This process will help you understand and visualize many details that weren't clear before. Word problems often use complex and confusing terms. Writing it in your own words will help you understand things better when having to refer back to the question while solving it.

Once you have the word problem written down, the next step is to use your colored pens or pencils to encircle certain details in the word problem. Avoid doing this on the word problems written in your textbooks, as you don't want to get them messy.

Encircle, underline, or highlight any number you will be using and the phrase or sentence in the word problem telling you what is required. It would help cross out any information you feel is irrelevant to the problem.

4. Identify the Key Words

Look out for keywords in the word problem. They are the key component in solving them. Doing this will help you answer one of the three questions mentioned above: which functions do I need to use to solve the word problem?

Once you have learned to recognize keywords, you will know what to do to solve the problem. Here are some common keywords for your understanding:

Key Words for Addition

1. In all
2. Increased by
3. Combined
4. Total
5. Added to
6. Greater than
7. Altogether

Key Words for Multiplication

1. Times
2. Multiplied by
3. Product of
4. Group of
5. Every
6. Twice as much or three times

Key Words for Subtraction

1. Decreased by
2. Minus
3. Take away
4. Less than
5. Remaining
6. Smaller than
7. How many more
8. Difference

Key Words for Division

1. Per
2. Out of
3. Average
4. Fraction of
5. Divided equally
6. Ratio of
7. Quotient of
8. Split
9. Each gets, or each has

5. Make Use of Diagrams and Labels for Visualization

To better visualize the word problem, it would help to make diagrams and flowcharts or draw pictures or shapes like circles, rectangles, triangles, etc. You can add numbers or labels to these to help you solve the problem.

For example, a word problem requires you to find out the total number of apples in 5 boxes when each box contains three apples. A simple way to solve this would be to draw five squares and write the number 3 in each box, then simply add the numbers in the boxes to reach the desired answer.

6. Have a Rough Estimate of the Answer in Mind

It would help if you had a realistic estimate of the answer in mind before starting work on the solution. Remember, this doesn't have to be accurate. It is simply a way to assess the accuracy of your answer once you have finally solved the answer, as it helps you cross-check whether or not your answer falls within the normal range.

7. Check for Errors or Mistakes Once Done

Once you are done solving the work problem, go over the solution to check for errors or mistakes. This step ensures that you have the correct answer. Students often have all the right steps but simply make minor errors like addition, multiplication, etc., leading to the wrong answer.

Wrapping Up

Solving word problems can be tricky. However, the more you practice, the more your skills will improve. Follow these steps to solve word problems.