Preschool Math Worksheets (For Ages 3 to 5)

These math worksheets are designed specifically for preschoolers following a mix of national standards and primer math skill indicators. They are helpful for students usually of age three to five. Students at this level are preparing for Kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers look for the introductory math skills of being able to count to 10 and following verbal directions properly. These sheets should help you achieve this with your child. You can find skill and topic based worksheets by simply visiting our math worksheets area.

Core Skills

  • Meeting Pictographs - We introduce visual graphing skills. This is an introductory worksheet for picture graphs. They are often referred to as Pictographs in most learning standards.
  • The Shape Estimation Break Dance Party - Estimate and then count the shapes. First estimate how many of each kind of shape there is, then go ahead and count it; to see how close you were.
  • Secret Riddle Code - Works on reading data tables. A really great practice set to get students some heavy practice on reading and understanding data tables.
  • Shading Equals - Fractions and symmetry skills in one. These seemingly simple sheet covers a lot of key skills and introduces new ones too. Color all the shapes that have equal parts (symmetry).
  • Understanding Basic Patterns - We go over simple patterns. There are 3 version of this one in this pack for you.
  • Which Critter Doesn't Belong? - A nice set of patterns and sorting. Find the odd animal out. This might give some students some trouble due to some similarities they share.

Counting, Addition, Subtraction

  • Counting as Addition - Count the animals to add them up. We work our way toward adding by counting to get there.
  • Counting Groups - This is a huge one 16 sheets in all. There are 16 printable pages and 8 version of this one for plenty of practice. You can circle or color the number you need.
  • Cross Out Subtraction - Visual subtraction to get them started. We hope to get students in the habit of crossing out visuals until they have their math facts down pat.
  • Match the Numbers to Tallies - Draw from the tally marks to the integer. Students match integers to their tally counts. This skill comes up a great deal on assessments.
  • Matching to 5 Animals - We work on the integers 1 to 5. Match the starfish sets to the numbers that they represent.
  • Before, After, Between - We work on numbers and their position in a sequence. This sheet works on sequencing and the directional counting of integers.

Comparisons and Measurement

  • Following Directions: Which Is Bigger? - Decide which of the shapes are the biggest. Students need to read this one carefully to make sure they complete it correctly.
  • Large Versus Small - Compare and read the directions. Compare the size of the items and then following the directions based on that information.
  • Longer and Heavier - We work on length and mass. Students have to think on their feet and increase the length of a line and determine relative weight in a set.
  • Missing Counting Sequences to 20 - Fill in the blank counts. Complete the missing numbers as you count to 20.
  • Which Has Less? - Another comparison sheet. Students compare full sets of items, in this case a couple of cute little friends.

Trace and Color Numbers

  • The Number 1 - A quick workout with your number 1. Parachute? What are they talk about? Did you know that world wide hot air balloons are referred to as a "Basket Parachute".
  • The Number 2 - I only have two things to say. 2 clowns in the box. Get some practice out with your twos.
  • The Number 3 - 3 turtle traces. Aren't these some of the cutest turtles? Work with our fading threes.
  • The Number 4 - Dolphins are always fun. Four dolphins are hamming it up for you. Enjoy. Trace the numbers.
  • The Number 5 - Butterflies flutter about. Five flapping butterflies. That line should be part of a Spring song, shouldn't it?

7 Math Skills Students Should Master by the End of Preschool

Children have an understanding of basic math concepts even before they start school. This is because math is such an important part of our lives that they learn to practice it even without proper training. Other math skills and abilities are developed in preschool.

As a parent or a teacher, you must assess the basic math skills that are developed in a student by the end of preschool. Here are 7 major concepts that are taught in preschool, and simple ways how you can practice with your children to help them master these skills.

1. Knowing their Numbers

In preschool, children learn to recognize numbers. They will memorize sequences and count using numbers. Children are taught to draw numbers on paper and spell them out. They can easily recognize a number by seeing it written on paper.

They also learn which number represents what quantity of objects. Rhymes and songs are used to teach them the sequence of numbers. Students are taught to count forward first, and then count backward. This also helps them have basic concepts for addition and subtraction.

Ask the kids to tell you the number of their shoe size or the number of orange slices they have in their lunchbox. This way, they will develop an awareness of numbers in everyday objects.

2. Counting

They will learn to use numbers to count everyday objects and write numbers. Counting may come easily to a preschooler, but it can be a bit difficult to master as it involves a series of numbers, and they will surely make mistakes in it.

They will need lots of practice; therefore, to teach them the skills of counting, you will have to add a tangible counting method to their routines. Ask them to touch objects as they count so that they can make a connection between the theoretical concepts of numbers in their mind with the number of objects in front of them.

Place different candies in front of them and ask them to take out their favorite candies one by one, counting as they go. Ask them to count the number of cats they saw on their way to the grocery store or the number of birds sitting on a clothing line.

3. Addition and Subtraction

Addition and subtraction skills come easily to students when they have the basic knowledge of numbers and counting. When they know how one number is different from another, they can understand the difference between them, like which number is bigger and which one is smaller.

Addition and subtraction require a visual representation as well to give kids a better explanation. Again, giving them objects like cookies or fruits and asking them to divide them into groups, take away a certain quantity from a group or add a certain number of objects to make the group bigger. All of these practices will polish their skills for simple math problems.

Use pictures and cards to help them understand the concepts and simple worksheets to give them practice problems.

4. Communication Using Math

By the end of preschool, kids should be able to use simple math vocabulary to communicate in their daily tasks. They will learn how to set three places if they have invited three friends to their tea party.

They will learn to count that their plate has 2 cookies whereas the plate of their sibling has 3 cookies. This will make them excited to use more mathematic language in their conversation, and, in this case, complain about getting fewer cookies.

It is even better if teachers or parents use simple numbers and counting while talking to kids, so they may learn how to use proper numbers in their conversation.

5. The Idea of Shapes in Geometry

Kids will learn the names of 2-D shapes quicker than 3-D shapes. They will start learning the names of common shapes and how they are different from each other. They will still call a cube "square", but it is better to reinforce their basic concepts first before moving onto difficult shapes.

It is an advantage that there are lots of geometrical shapes present in the objects around us, so you can easily ask them to spell out the name of a shape while playing with them or teaching them using model shapes. Teaching children about the shapes of everyday objects will help them talk about their daily experiences easily.

6. Patterns

When a child is learning new things like counting objects and adding or subtracting numbers, it will come in handy when they are studying patterns. They will be able to count how many stripes are printed on their shirt’s pocket, or how many beads are there on a string.

They will know the sequence of objects by observing patterns, for example, if a bracelet has one red stud, one green stud, another red stud, and one missing piece, they will figure out that the last object in the pattern must be another green stud.

7. Understanding Time

Teach kids the basic concepts of time, for example, what is meant by morning, afternoon, evening, and night, or teaching them that dinner is served at 7 pm and breakfast is done in the morning after the sun rises. All these connections of time with the daily activities they perform will give them a sense of the portions of a day.

These were the 7 major math skills all students should have when they come out of preschool. School is not the only place where a child can learn and practice their skills. Engaging them in fun activities at home will also give them the necessary confidence and exercise they need to reinforce their basic concepts. The opportunities to teach these skills are endless, so try to find the time and techniques to help the children acquire their age-appropriate skills.