Simile Worksheets
Similes are figures of speech that compare or relate two things. You often will find the use of the word "as" and/or "like" with similes. Some similes have been around for years. Similes can also be broken down into simple phrases when they are used very commonly. The simile "as clear as a crystal", comes to mind. Many people use the phrase "crystal clear" commonly.
Complete the Simile
A nice and quick exercise to get students into the rhythm of writing. Complete the simile by adding your own words. These are common saying, so you should be good to go.
Identifying Similes
We give you sentences where you must identify parts of the sentences. Look at each sentence and pull out the simile that presents itself.
Creating Your Own Similes
Another good sentence ender for you. This sheet allows students to think on their own and get away from the world of templated answers.
Metaphors and Similes
We ask you to differentiate between them. Is it a metaphor or a simile. This is a very difficult skill for most children.
Write the Similes Worksheet
Get creative with this worksheet. Pick apart each sentence and find the similes.
Similes and Patterns
We have you use word patterns such as "verb + like + noun". We ask you to get creative and make some comparisons and relations for us.
Making Similes
We give you a pile of adjectives to play with and make your own sentences. You are asked to focus on using the word "as" in your similes. A good exercise to make it as easy as stealing candy from a baby.
Creative Similes
This one is great to prove mastery of the concept. Take the terms and motivations given to you are create a rock'n sentence.
Figurative Language Worksheets - These get more into the use of metaphors and different language formats.
Why Are Similes Used In Writing?
Making comparisons are common in the English Language. If you want to make a comparison effectively, using a simile is the best way.
Similes are often used in writing, especially while writing a story. As a writer, if you are looking for ways to improve your story, adding figures of speech would be a great place to start. They help make your idea clear to the reader and help the reader imagine what you are writing.
Similes are one of the figures of speech that will take your writing to the next level.
Writers use similes to increase the readers' interest as their aim in writing is to show readers the story instead of telling it, and using similes adds a new dimension to their writing. Let's understand what similes are and why they are used in writing.
What Are Similes?
Similes are used as a symbolic language tool that helps the writer describe something by making comparisons with something else using the words 'like' or 'as.' those things don't need to be directly related. Still, similes help give the reader the closest possible idea of what the described thing may be like.
Similes help make comparisons in an interesting and meaningful way, for example, white as snow, cold as ice, and slippery as an eel.
The use of similes allows the reader to imagine instantly or even feel what is being described as it taps into all five senses of the reader. For example, if you describe someone's hands as being 'soft as a pillow,' the reader may be able to feel the words written in your story. That is the power of a good simile used appropriately.
You can find several examples of similes around you. For example, in the movie Forrest Grump, Titular uses a simile to describe life: "Life is like a box of chocolates." He means that a box of chocolate has many different flavors of chocolate that you may not know about before trying them out.
Similes are not to be taken literally as they often use exaggeration to emphasize something. For example, if someone says, "John ran as fast as lightning," This is not to say that he is as fast as the speed of lightning, but the main purpose of the writing is to make a compelling description and emphasize how fast John ran.
Common examples of similes are as follows:
- As cool as a cucumber
- As brave as a lion
- As busy as a bee
- As fresh as a daisy
- As bright as a button
- As wise as an owl
If you want to use similes to spice up your writing, follow these basic tips to help make meaningful comparisons in your writing that the readers can instantly feel and relate to. This will help you build a relationship with your readers.
Tips on Using Smiles Effectively
If you want to make your story memorable and exciting, use similes to make comparisons. Here are some tips that you can follow to write good similes that can help clarify your thoughts and emotions to the reader effectively.
- Remember the basic formula while writing a simile: "A is like B." This simple rule makes similes the easiest of all comparisons to write.
- Strong similes often use simple everyday speech. So, you don't need Shakespearean language to write a good simile. All you need to do is understand the context in which you attempt to compare something. Ensure that the simile fits the emotion or characters in the scene.
- Avoid using clichés. Be creative while writing a simile and use it only when required. For example, at times, something may be too obvious for a reader, and adding a simile will only make your writing appear wordy and annoying to them. So, don’t add unnecessary details.
- Use similes when you think you need to create a visual image in the reader's mind. Ensure that the image you are trying to create is as vivid as possible.
- Give yourself some time to think when you are writing a simile. Don't just write the first thing that comes to your mind, as that will be the easy choice and might not add the intended value or imagery to your writing. It is more likely that the second or third idea that comes to your mind would be more powerful and help you create the best comparison.
Why Do Writers Use Similes?
There are endless possibilities to create similes, and you can use anything in your immediate surroundings to make a meaningful comparison in your writing. Let's look at a few reasons why similes are used in writing.
1. Similes Are Used to Express Emotions
Similes are a great way to express and emphasize how strongly you feel about something. Similes also allow the reader to express and reflect on the thoughts and feelings of the characters in a simple manner.
2. Similes Add Depth and Meaning to Your Writing
Similes make sentences clear to the reader and allow you to put across a deep meaning in your writing just by using a few words. Writers often use similes as a tool to describe the events or to set in a story.
3. Similes Allow the Readers to Relate to Ideas and Concepts
Similes allow the readers to imagine, feel and relate to things. This helps create a powerful image in the reader's minds about a character, scene, or setting, making it easier to express complex emotions.
4. Descriptive Tool in Creative Writing
Similes are often used in creative writing to describe things in a manner that makes the reading more entertaining. Similes can be used as an artistic form of expression in creative writing.
To Wrap Up
Now that you have understood why similes are used and how to write good similes, you can add meaning and value to your writing in the future.
Have fun using similes but don’t overuse them. Use similes in your writing where you think it is appropriate to do so; otherwise, your work may appear wordy to the reader.