Rhymes and Rhyming Worksheets
Words that have similar word sounds are said to rhyme. In this section we are going to work with words that rhyme in a variety of ways.
Finding Rhymes in Sentences
We give you sentences plagued with multiple rhyming words and ask you to point them out. In every sentences there are at least two words that rhyme. Find them and lasso them with a circle.
Rhyming Words Dynamic Circles
This always seems to be everyone's favorite. This is a really neat one for you and students. Color the circles that rhyme with the central circle.
Making Rhyming Words
This worksheet is part creativity and part magic. First you make rhymes on your own and then you memorize people with your magical power to pull those words out of word find puzzle below it.
Find all the Rhyming Words in a Sentence
We just tried to pack more rhymes in this one. We tried to pack even more rhyming words into this one. See how you think we did.
Things That Rhyme
Match pictures of items or entities that rhyme. We tried to pack even more rhyming words into this one. See how you think we did.
Rhyming Picture Words
Instead of two choices we move to a matching format for you. A simple rhyme match activity for you.
Line Matching Rhyming Words
We shuffle the words over long matching columns. We make rhymes across a large set of words. The columns require students to have a bit of memory with their words.
Short Matching Rhyming Words
A basic rhyming word match. We move away from visuals and have students match basic words.
Simple Rhyming Words
This is geared to your Preschool aged child.
Long Line Rhyming Words
A refresh of the above with bigger vocabulary words. The vocabulary words used on these pages are a bit more upper level. This can be a nice refresher for students that are older.
Find the Rhyming Words
This one is very simplistic. As basic as basic can get. Another simple rhyme worksheet for first time readers.
Why Is Rhyming Important?
Learning how to rhyme or recognize rhyming words is essential for children to learn. Rhyming is an aspect of phonemic awareness that involves manipulating oral language and recognizing sounds within the language and knowing how to play with them. It teaches them about the word families within the language.
According to some studies, children's ability to rhyme improves as they learn how to read and write. Only then do they understand the relationships that exist between certain terms.
As a teacher or parent, you will be exposed to various nursery rhymes, songs, and games.
We've got you covered if you're wondering why rhyming is an important skill to learn for your child! Read on to find out why rhyming is important. Let's first dive into what rhyming means!
What Is Rhyming?
Rhyming words are those terms that have the same or similar ending. Examples include bat, hat, cat, mat, rat, etc. Learning how to rhyme involves a basic understanding and focus on listening and manipulating the sounds you hear.
Rhymes are literary devices often featured at the end of poetic lines. Rhymes have more to do with function sounds than spellings, and hence, rhyming is not focused on how particular terms are spelled or the way they look but more on the. For example, cheese and peas are rhyming choices but only because they sound alike. Neither are they spelled similarly, nor do these terms look alike.
Poets often use rhyming terms if they want to highlight or emphasize certain terms and the relationships between them, which helps them achieve an effect satisfying for the reader. Children love rhymes and enjoy learning them. It teaches them how to learn and memorize new terms.
Rhymes come in many different forms. Let's look at some common types of rhymes that are particularly used in poetry.
Common Types of Rhymes
Here are some commonly used types of rhymes you should know about.
1. End Rhymes - End rhymes occur in the final terms of consecutive or non-consecutive lines in poetry. You can find examples of end rhymes in A. A Milne's poem "Teddy Bear as follows:
"A bear, however hard he tries,
Grows tubby without exercise.
Our Teddy Bear is short and fat,
Which is not to be wondered at;."
2. Slant Rhymes - Slant rhymes are slightly more confusing for children as they consist of words that have similar but not identical sounds.
TheThe words have identical consonants and different vowels. Emily Dickinson is famous for using Slant Rhymes. An example of one such poem is as follows, where she has rhymed the words "all and soul ."These words sound similar but are not perfectly rhyming words.
"Hope is a thing with feathers.
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all…."
3. Eye Rhymes - Eye rhymes consist of words that only look similar, but as they are pronounced, they don't rhyme.
Examples include:
- Cove and Dove
- Wind and Bind
- Mood and hood
- Move and Dove
4. Perfect Rhymes - These rhymes are fairly simple to learn and identify.
Perfect rhymes, commonly referred to as true rhymes, consist of words with the same number of syllables and share the same assonance (resemblance of sound between syllables). Examples include:
- cat and hat
- egg and beg
- ink and pink
- boo and true
- soap and hope
- skylight and twilight
5. Rich Rhymes - Rich rhymes are rhymes that consist of words that sound the same but are spelled differently, for example:
- raze and raise
- break and brake
Reasons Why Rhyming is Important for Children
Let's now look at some reasons why rhyming is important for children!
1. Improved Children's Reading Skills - Rhyming is a great way to introduce reading among children. Short stories often consist of rhymes that can help children understand the art of sequencing. They get acquainted with the order that occurs in things, like there being a start, middle, and end in every story.
As children enjoy rhymes, you can choose books containing them to develop their interest and make reading a fun learning experience.
2. Fosters Creative Development - As children understand the meaning of rhymes and how to use them, they often come up with rhyming words of their own by using their imaginations, and they are encouraged to be creative.
Creativity involves imagining scenes in your head, and rhyming promotes information retention among children, making it easy for them to remember scenes. For example, you can probably still remember ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb' because it rhymes.
3. Improves Speech Development and Listening Skills - Rhyming makes listening fun. Children need to learn how to listen and understand conversations, which is fundamental to their learning.
Listening to rhymes repeatedly teaches children the rhythm of the language, and they learn how to speak with animation.
4. Teaches Children How to Make Predictions - As children are exposed to more and more rhymes, their ability to make predictions improves. There comes the point where they become so familiar with which rhymes that they begin to anticipate rhyming words while listening to poems or rhymes.
This is an essential skill that helps improve their vocabulary and reading skills. Children can also be made to practice and improve their memorization skills through rhyming.
5. Rhymes are Fun and Allow Children to Expand Their Imaginations - Rhyming is fun! It adds fun to the process of reading. You can incorporate several fun activities in your lectures that involve rhyming. This will help students memorize the lesson while enjoying it. A great way to do this is to act out rhyming words and allow children to be creative, guess the words, and come up with other rhyming words.
In conclusion, rhymes are fun to teach and learn for children. The more children are encouraged to rhyme, the more likely they will be to anticipate words and make predictions. Rhyming aids the memorization of words and makes learning fun for children. This teaches children how to be creative in their writing.