Punctuation Worksheets
Ready to go all !, &, *. : ;. Us too! We work on a all levels of this skill and give you plenty of practice. We go a bit comma crazy, we know! It is a pet peeve of two of our writers.
Skills Based Work
Working on Punctuation
Let's get started on this skill in the common format. This one is guided just fill in the missing marks. Nothing is out of order or tricky.
Fill In Punctuation
Very basic, yet helpful. In this version we usually double up on punctuation for you. It's a nice quick one.
Fast Punctuation
A real quick one for review. You'll need to say these out loud to really understand the tone that you are looking for.
Rewrite With Punctuation
We have you rewrite the entire sentence. We have you write the whole sentence now. You might need to add one, two, or three marks per sentence.
Cooperative Punctuation Worksheet
A group activity that can be done during class. A two or even three person worksheet. A great way to work on a skill.
Capitalization and Punctuation In Reading Passages
The passage are a bit long here. We pick apart a paragraph about breakfast and then we head "Down Under"!
Capitalization and Punctuation (Pizza and Camping)
A fun set of passages. Let's go to work on a passage about the best pizza in town and then see if we can go hunting and fishing.
Capitalization and Punctuation (Strong Winds and Movie Making)
These are short and sweet! These are slightly shorter than the other versions. Go to Hollywood and let's talk about some forces of Mother Nature.
Capitalization and Punctuation (Bamboo and Ice Cream)
Fun topics that kids enjoy! Ever wonder what Bamboo was or what ice cream is made from? We did. Fun thing did you know that Bamboo is actually used in ice cream as a ticker; sometimes?
Capitalization and Punctuation (Seasons and English)
These passages are good deal easier than the others. We take a crack at explaining seasons and the look at the crazy things that English brings into our lives.
Rules for Using the Comma
Teachers really like this one. A great fundamental worksheet that should start off every unit. We get tons of raves about this one. People bookmark it like crazy!
Missing Your Commas
Fill in the commas. These sentences are a bit longer. In many cases it will require two commas be applied to a sentence.
Where did all the Commas Go?
There is little guidance here. The sentences are purposely written in a very simplistic manner.
A Day without Commas
Working toward a mastery of skills. We through a bunch of apostrophes in this one to remind students of the difference.
Using Commas
By this one, they should have a good handle on the skill. We get crazy with our commas. Find out where they are missing and add them please.
Commas In Business Letters
This is where we lose many students. This is definitely where many students have trouble with their use of commas. We thought you could use the practice.
Missing Commas in Paragraphs
The length increases here. We now go for a large dose of endurance with the missing commas. To really grasp the concept, read the work aloud.
Big Time Commas
We look at a large amount of text here. You may need to read this passage a few times. We always see someone read it just once and miss 2 to 3 commas.
Commas in Sentences
We go back to sentence form. We go back to basics with this one. Pay attention to the nouns to make it easier for yourself.
What Are the Rules of Punctuation?
Punctuation can have a significant impact on the meaning of whatever you are trying to communicate to the reader. Appropriately used punctuation marks have the power to make or break a well-constructed sentence.
If you want to communicate your ideas clearly and precisely, you must know the basic rules of punctuation.
If your writing is well-punctuated, especially in the case of formal or academic writing, your work is bound to stand out. This will help you move ahead quickly and professionally.
If you're wondering whether punctuation makes a difference, you'll be surprised at how improper punctuation can completely transform the meaning of what you are writing. You can be a better and more confident writer with in-depth know-how of punctuation rules.
If you're wondering what the rules of punctuation are, you've come to the right place. We've put together a detailed guide for you to understand these rules. Read on to find out!
Rules of Punctuation: Here's What You Must Know!
Punctuation is a set of symbols that allows the writer to form meaningful and clear sentences using commas, semicolons, periods, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, etc. In English Grammar, the rule of punctuation is the rule that defines how you should place words together to form correct sentences.
Here are some basic rules of punctuation that will help improve your writing skills.
1. Full Stops or Period
Full stops or periods are the most common form of punctuation, and you can't finish a sentence without them. The most common use for full stops is to end sentences or at the end of abbreviations.
For example:
- London is a great place to visit.
- I visited Paris last spring.
- Mr. John will be joining us for dinner.
2. Commas
Commas are used to show the reader a pause in the sentence. Commas have more punctuation rules than other punctuation. Here's what you need to remember:
A. Commas are used to show a pause after introductory clauses and words.
For example, "Wow, John came home earlier than expected."
B. Use commas to separate more than three things mentioned in a series.
For example, "Please bring me some apples, bananas, cookies, and crisps from the market."
C. Commas are used before the words "and" and "but" only when used to join simple sentences into compound sentences.
For example, "I love parrots, but I also love sparrows."
D. Commas are used to set off words disrupting your chain of thoughts in a sentence.
For example, lawyers, professionals with a deeper knowledge of the legal system, tend to be expensive.
E. Commas are used with Quotations.
For example, John exclaimed, "You came home early!
F. Commas are used between adjectives and adverbs.
For example, "I love this warm, fuzzy, yellow sweater!
G. Commas are used with dates.
For example, on March 5, 2020
3. Question Marks
Questions marks are an essential form of punctuation as they have the power to change your sentence from an interrogatory one to a statement instead of a complete stop,
Use question marks at the end of an interrogatory sentence.
For example:
- Will you be joining us for lunch this evening?
- How old are you?
- Do you remember what you learned in school today?
4. Colons
Colons are a popular form of punctuation that you will often encounter while reading.
Use colons while introducing an example, a list of items, an explanation, or a quotation. Colons are used to emphasize something. Do not use colons after a verb that is directly introducing a list.
For example:
- There are two things that Tom can do: go to the party or stay home and study.
- Lately, I have had several things on my mind: grades, exams, and college applications.
5. Exclamation Marks
Use exclamation marks at the end of a sentence to express emotion, excitement, surprise, happiness, or anger. The purpose of an exclamation mark is to emphasize something, powerful emotions. Exclamation marks are also used after an interjection.
For example:
- Yes! I won the game!
- We won the game!
- I am so excited to meet you!
6. Quotation Marks or Speech Marks
Quotation marks are used to quote exact speech and can also be used for titles of articles, chapters, books, etc.
For example:
- The teacher said, "Have you completed your homework?"
- "Yes," the class replied.
- The teacher assigned us chapter 5 of "The Lovely Garden."
- We watched the movie "Harry Potter" last night.
7. Apostrophes
People often make mistakes while using apostrophes. You should use apostrophes to show possession, omission, and form plural possessive nouns that end with the letter 'S.'
For example:
- This is my sisters' car.
- That is John's cat.
- That is the television's remote.
- You shouldn't use your cell phone during class.
Remember not to use apostrophes with possessive personal nouns: yours, his, ours, theirs, whose, its.
8. Hyphens
Hyphens can change the meaning of what you are writing, so it is essential to use them appropriately. Use hyphens while forming compound words while joining units. Hyphens are also used while joining prefixes, suffixes, and letters to words.
For example:
- The class has thirty-two students in total.
- He is a well-respected man
- Mother-in-law
- Sister-in-law
- Please bring a hot-water bottle.
- John is a well-renowned chef.
9. Parentheses
The literal meaning of parenthesis is to put beside, and that is precisely what they do. Use parentheses to set off some aspects in a nonessential sentence but related to the sentence.
For example:
- We visited several European countries (France, Spain, England) during summer break last year.
- John finally answers (after 10 minutes of thinking) that he does not know the correct answer to the question asked.
If you are looking for a way to communicate your message to the reader while leaving a good impression on them, you must practice the rules of punctuation as they have the power to transform the meaning of your sentences. It is alright if you don't remember all the rules in one day. Remember, practice makes perfect.
While reading, notice where and how punctuation marks are used and refer to the rules if you don't understand something. A great way to test your punctuation knowledge is to take punctuation tests online. Keep practicing to improve your score. Good Luck!