Plural and Singular Words Worksheets
Nouns that involve counting to any degree can come in singular or plural form. When we are describing or discussing a single entity or object, we use the singular form. When we are referring to more than one, we use the multiple form. For example, if we were referring to one animal we would use the word cat. If there are more than one of these animal, we would use the word cats. The most common form (regular) of change from singular to plural just involves the use of adding an -es or -s. In many cases this is not the only way to achieve this as you will see in these exercises.
Understanding the Concept
This is great as an introductory worksheet. This is great for the first time students are working on the skill, it starts with a lesson and progresses from there.
Writing Plurals In Sentences
We ask you to provide the missing word in plural form. Drop in your own plural words to complete the sentence. You can use several words in many circumstances
Using Plurals in Context
This is more of a visual conversion. This works mostly on determining if you should add an -es or just an -s to make the word plural.
Changing Between Both Forms
A super simple conversion for you. You are given either the plural or singular form and you are asked to convert the word to the other form.
Irregularly Formed Nouns
We work on words that we can't simply add an -s or -es to. This worksheet focuses on non -es and -s plurals. This can take students sometime to get the hang of.
Using Them In Sentences
Circle the word that properly completes each sentence. This worksheet focuses on non -es and -s plurals. This can take students sometime to get the hang of.
When to Use the Plural Form
Very similar to the above sheet. Just a slight twist. Everything is plural on this worksheets except for one, just to keep them honest.
Correctly Using Plurals
This works great to reinforce spelling plural words too. Which spelling and usage correctly completes each sentence?
Perfect Multiples
Decide the best way to complete the sentences properly. Find the word that best completes each sentence. This one focuses on a mix of regular and irregular nouns.
Mixed Nouns In Use
We give you singular -y words. Drop it and add -ies. We give you the singular version of the word and ask you to drop the "y" and add "ies" to make it plural.
Creating Plural Form
Similar to the previous sheet, we just really want to cover this well. We give you the singular version of the word and ask you to drop the "y" and add "ies" to make it plural.
Dual Things
This alternates between converting between both versions of the word. We give you either the singular or plural form of a noun and ask you for the other.
Plural Sentences and Sports
Write some sentences and use the words proper in context. We have you add plural words that are all related to sports into sentences.
Sentence Building On The Move
These are plural verbs that we ask you to use. Write sentences about things you need to think about when you are on the move.
Sentence Practice
These are pretty random. Use the words we give you in a sentence. It's pretty each, but some will leave you thinking for a while.
Easter Related Nouns
We do everything while relating it to a religious holiday. All the nouns in these sentences are related to the theme of the Easter holiday.
The Concept of Singular and Plural Nouns
Improving your writing skills is a worthy endeavor. With better writing, you can explain your ideas more clearly to readers. To write well, you need to know some basic rules about using singular and plural nouns, the difference between them, and how they are used.
This basuc concept is introduced to kids in kindergarten. As they progress in higher grades, they begin to under the rules involved in using singular and plural.
Using a singular noun instead of a plural or vice versa could change the whole meaning of a sentence and lead to potential misinterpretations.
What Are Singular and Plural Nouns?
Nouns can be defined as words that name a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can take two forms: singular and plural.
A plural noun is a word used for more than one place, thing, person, or idea. So, whenever you are writing or talking about more than one thing, you must use this form of that noun. The word usually remains the same while using its plural form. However, you simply have to add 's,' 'es,' 's' or 'ies' to add the word's end to change its form of the word.
You need to remember that plural nouns always use the verbs like are were, etc.
Let us look at a few examples of these used in sentences.
The boys are playing with their toys.
My plants are growing fast.
The cats never seem to get tired of chasing one another.
The students have a field trip tomorrow.
I have visited several counties of the world.
The books are lying on the reading table.
Here are a few simple examples of nouns along with their plural forms:
Pencil - Pencils
Book - Books
Window - Windows
Girl - Girls
Sticker - Stickers
Paper - Papers
Desk - Desks
Singular nouns are words that refer to a single person, place, or thing. These nouns don't have a plural form and are always used with a determiner. Singular nouns use singular verbs, such as is and was. Examples of singular words include:
Here are a few nouns that share the same form:
Species - Species
Deer - Deer
Series - Series
Sheep - Sheep
Moose - Moose
Cod - Cod
Bison - Bison
Baggage - Baggage
Crossroads - Crossroads
Important Rules to Remember
Here are a few basic rules you should keep in mind while using singular and plural nouns.
Rule #1: The first rule is the most basic one. In most instances, add an S to the end to turn a singular noun into a plural noun. These are the easiest ones to use and remember. For example, you can instantly change 'taco' (the singular form) into its plural form by adding an ‘s’ at the end of the word.
Rule #2: For singular nouns that end with s, ss, sh, ch, x, or z, changing them into their plural form would be quite straightforward. All you have to do is add 'es’ to the end to make it plural. Here are some examples to help you understand.
- Class - Classes
- Bench - Benches
- Blush - Blushes
- Watch - Watches
- Box - Boxes
- Tax - Taxes
Rule #3: If a singular noun ends with the letter 'o', you must add 'es' to the end of the word to convert it into its plural form. Here are a few examples of such words.
- Echo - Echoes
- Mango - Mangoes
- Zero - Zeroes
- Buffalo - Buffaloes
- Hero - Heroes
- Potato - Potatoes
Rule #4: If a noun ends with two vowels (a, e, i, o, u), you need to add ‘s’ at the end to make it plural. Here are some examples of words ending with two vowels:
- Radio - Radios
- Bamboo - Bamboos
- Portfolio - Portfolio
- Studio - Studios
Rule #5: The plural form of a noun ending with 'f’ or 'fe’ would be ‘ves’ in the end. For example:
- Knife - Knives
- Self - Selves
- Shelf - Shelves
Rule #6: For certain nouns, conversion to plural form requires you to change the vowels in their singular forms. Here are some examples to understand this:
- Mouse - Mice
- Foot - Feet
- Man - Men
- Tooth - Teeth
Rule #7: Some nouns can also be changed into plural forms by adding ‘en’ to the end of the word, for example:
- Child - Children
- Broke - Broken
- Ox - Oxen
Rule #8: Some nouns are always in their plural form and require you to use a verb after the noun. Here are some examples of such words:
- Thanks
- Vegetables
- Troops
- Spectacles
- Drawers
Rule #9: Regular plural nouns require you to use the same form verb after them. Similarly, certain words have plural forms that require the usage of singular verbs. Here are a few examples of such words:
- Civics
- Politics
- Ethics
- Rickets
- News
- Singles
- Physics
Rule #10: Abstract nouns are nouns that denote an idea, state, or quality. These nouns represent intangible ideas. There are no plural forms of abstract nouns. For example:
- Charity
- Kindness
- Love
- Hope
- Happiness
Wrapping Up
Learning the the various forms of words is easy. All you have to do is remember the rules mentioned in this article and keep practicing. Be sure to keep an eye out for the tricky words that are exceptions to these rules.
Use exercises online for the use of word forms to practice. When confused about a noun and its form, refer to a dictionary or ask a teacher for help. It is a good idea to keep a list of confusing words or ones that you tend to get wrong. Keeping this list with you will help you avoid repeating mistakes. Keep practicing!