Examining Forms of Writing Worksheets

Persuasive Writing: Introductory Paragraph Review
We have you determine the topic of precast writing. This one really gets you headed in the right direction with persuasion. This will help you form an outline.

Biographical Narrative Writing Prompts
A whole bunch of ideas for you to write about. Here is a large list of topics to get you started writing in this format. As you grow older, you write in this form a great deal more.

Biographical Narrative Writing Checklist
This is wonderful to have by your side when you are in the writing process. Great to have as a reference when you are writing in this form.

Fictional Narrative Writing Prompts
If you like creative writing, you'll love this one. A number of great prompts that help you tell a story.

Fictional Narrative Writing Checklist
Perfect to help you outline your story writing. Use the checklist to help you correct all parts of the passage you were writing.

Personal Narrative Writing Prompts
You are the focus of the stories you will write with this one. Tell us about your days. Here are a mound of ideas to get you started on yourself.

Personal Narrative Writing Checklist
When you are writing about yourself, make sure to remember all of these things. Most people enjoy talking about themselves. Here is an outline to help you do it right.

Persuasive Essay Examples
We have you breakdown a premade essay. Break apart this essay and make sense of it for your self. We'll ask you a number of questions along the way.

Understanding Persuasive Essay Examples
We have you breakdown an active writing piece. This might take a few passes to really understand. We have review a persuasive essay and look for key elements.

Compare Contrast Essay Writing Prompts
Find the likeness and differences in two things. Most of the prompts are fun. They all bring a smile to our face when working on it.

Compare Contrast Essay Writing Checklist
A Venn diagram really helps here too. This one takes longer because you have to check both sides of the argument and make sure it's completely balanced.

How To Essay Writing Prompts
Teach someone how to do something with these prompts. For the most part, these prompts are focused toward teaching another person something you are skilled at.

How To Essay Writing Checklist
Good advice for not missing anything when you are writing. This is one of most beneficial check lists we have. It basically reminds you that you have to put yourself in some one else's shoes in order to complete the task properly.

Informative Essay Writing Prompts
Make a strong nonfiction passage come to life. Writing nonfiction like this is the way all the core materials seems to be headed. These are some good practice for you.

Informative Essay Writing Checklist
Cover all these elements when you are writing to inform. This will help you find anything you might have forgot to add and left out.

Business Letters Writing Prompts
These are common things you will write daily as an adult. Writing these forms of letters will be critical for students for a long time to come.

Situational Business Letters Writing Prompts
Specific scenes where you have set motives to accomplish with your writing. These prompts are not general. They are very focused and give a sit/rep to run through. Great practice for the kids.

Business Letters Writing Checklist
Key elements that should always be present. This checklist can be applied to some many different forms of business writing that it is an essential handout.

Opinion Essay Writing Prompts
Let your editorials flow right out of you. A great list of topics to get your started with your opinionated pieces.

Opinion Essay Writing Checklist
A basic reminder of how to get your point across. Things that you want to make sure that you don't miss when you start writing editorials and opinion spots.

Problem Solution Essay Writing Prompts
We need you to help people find answers to something that is bugging them. When you are trying to solve problems make sure that you write with the reader in mind. Use their knowledge base.

Problem Solution Essay Writing Checklist
Don't forget any of these. Keep these things in mind when you are writing for solutions to problems.

Pro Con Essay Writing Prompts
Getting in the habit of using this format will help you leaps and bounds. This skill is very similar to compare and contrast, but you are focused on a sole outcome.

Pro Con Essay Writing Checklist
Definitely use this to improve your work after you finish every work. This will make sure that you don't miss a beat when it comes to finishing up an essay in this format.

Autobiography Writing Entry Worksheets

These printables help students make a variety of guided entries.

  1. My Life - Tell us all about your life. We want only the facts though.
  2. Important Days of Your Life - What was your big day? What was an important day in your life? Describe it in full detail. Did you learn from that day?
  3. My Hobbies - Do you have any? Would you want to try something new?
  4. My Big Accomplishment - Ever reach a goal that you planned for?
  5. My Hopes and Fears - Share your deepest thoughts with us.
  6. My Short Term Goals - What do you wish to accomplish within the next year.

Picture Story Writing Worksheets

Write a story about the picture that you we give you. A very fun creative writing activity for students and teachers alike.
  1. Baseball - What's going on with this picture. Why is the coach yelling? What's the boy's name?
  2. A Beaver With Super Powers - That crazy Nikki Noodles! He wakes up and has a super powered tail. Your on...
  3. Bungee Jumping - This should be a fun story for you to create. Who's jumping and why?
  4. Climbing A Mountain - How the heck did he get up there? It looks like an impossible climbing experience. What do you think?
  5. Graduation - Where is this girl headed? Make a creative story about her life from here on.
  6. Outerspace - Diving into a space mission with the crew. Tell a story all about this cosmic adventure.
  7. Pie Burglar - Write a story about the clumsy burglar and the doggie. Is the dog a friend or a foe to the burglar?
  8. Piggy Milk Delivery Service - Tell us all about Piggy Pete's not so great day. How would you make his day better?
  9. Running To Work - Where is this guy going? He's looks like he is in hurry. Tell us a story all about his mad dash.
  10. Underwater - Write a story about Matthew's latest underwater adventure. Boy, does he ever have a fun job!
  11. Theme Park - There is no crying at theme parks. Why is this boy possibly crying? Tell us his story and let us know how it ends.
  12. Winning - Tell how this story started. What did the team have to go through to reach this goal.

What Are the Different Types of Writing Styles?

Writing is not one size fits all. Sometimes, you need to be creative, and other times, you need to be objective. That's why there are various writing techniques, each serving a different purpose. The writing style usage varies according to the target audience. Therefore, assess what the situation requires and choose the style to help achieve your goal, gaining more credibility and reliability as an author. Moreover, do not limit your artistry and creativity by sticking to just one style. It's best to expand your knowledge and work with various writing types if you want to improve as a writer. Following are the different types of writing styles and when you should use each: The narrative writing style is storytelling in a nutshell - a group of words takes readers on a compelling journey from the beginning to the end. It could be a small anecdote or an epic tale spanning over many years or a few hours. Narrative writing utilizes standard storytelling components such as captivating plots, main characters, various conflicts, raw emotions, core themes, setting, etc. However, narrative writing is not only limited to the land of fiction and fantasy. It serves an important function in depicting real-life incidents, making narrative writing quite factual as well.

Types of Narrative Writing
There are many ways to go about narrative writing. Following are the main approaches writers choose to narrate their story:

1. Descriptive Narratives
A narration that provides detailed insights about an incident or event, so the readers feel the mood and visualize the setting falls into the category of descriptive narratives. The usage of words should be as vivid as possible.

2. Linear Narrative
A linear narrative tells events and incidents in chronological order. The writer details a character's life from beginning to end, how they were and what life has become for them.

3. Non-Linear Narrative
A non-linear narrative tells a story in an unorderly manner, with events jumping back and forth. It can include flashbacks, flashforwards, or dream sequences.

4. Viewpoint Narrative
In a viewpoint narrative, a narrator presents the story to the readers in a first-person perspective to understand the feelings, thoughts, beliefs of the character whose point of view is being represented.

Examples of Narrative Writing - Some examples which utilize narrative writing includes:

  • Novels
  • Short Stories
  • Plays and Musicals
  • Narrative Poetry (epic sagas and poems)
  • Biographies
  • Autobiographies
  • Comics
  • Speeches


If you want to get your message across, persuasive writing is the way to go. Its goal is to share your point respectfully and thoughtfully, convincing the readers of your ideas and opinions. The significance of evidence is high here as you cannot expect to persuade people just by stating your views. The content needs to be backed up by hard, statistical facts, testimonial evidence, anecdotal evidence, etc.
Persuasive writing is mainly used in nonfiction and seldom in fiction. It has a subjective nature, and many times the writer incorporates personal emotions and feelings to convince the readers.

Types of Persuasive Writing
Persuasive writing is further divided into three different types:

1. Appeal To Reason Persuasion – Logos
Logos is a Greek word that means appealing to reason or logic. In this type of writing, the author uses statistical evidence to persuade the readers of your beliefs and arguments.

2. Appeal To Character Persuasion – Ethos
In this type of persuasion, the author uses personal characteristics and virtues to capture the reader's attention. The knowledge is sidetracked by the persona and status of the speakers, for example, celebrity-endorsed advertisements.

3. Appeal To Emotion Persuasion – Pathos
Pathos persuades the audience by evoking emotions and feelings, such as sympathy and anger in them.

Examples of Persuasive Writing: This persuasive writing style can be seen in:

  • Essays
  • Speeches
  • Presentations
  • Advertising
  • Copywriting
  • Cover Letters
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Op-eds

A descriptive piece of writing entails that the author includes every tiny aspect of the characters, settings, and events. It makes the reader feel that they are living the story and are actually present in the moment. Descriptive writing uses a first-person viewpoint, painting a clear and detailed picture in the reader's mind. The aim is to merely describe things well and not try to persuade the audience of anything. It can be used with narrative writing to build a scene.

Types of Descriptive Writing - Some of the types of descriptive writing are as follows:

1. Character Descriptive Writing
The author describes the main character in great detail, including their physical features, characteristics, habits, mannerisms, etc., so the reader can visualize the person as much as possible.

2. Object Descriptive Writing
The author focuses on describing objects, mainly by metaphorical term usage.

3. Scene Descriptive Writing
The author sets a scene using sensory details of the vision, touch, smell, etc. A place is described in such a way that the audience can picture it fully.

Examples of Descriptive Writing - Descriptive writing includes the following:

  • Poems
  • Song Lyrics
  • Fiction
  • Memoirs
  • Copywriting
  • Travel Guides


Expository writing is informative, with the purpose of explaining or teaching something to the audience. The information is objective and not based on personal opinions and beliefs instead focuses on factual data about a topic. In short, it exposes an idea, and the aim is to impart as much knowledge as possible. It answers any or all questions the reader has about a particular subject, such as what, why, when, who, where, and how. It takes a simple approach with no legal and technical jargon so that a beginner can easily understand it. It is written in a third-person perspective.

Types of Expository Writing:

1. Cause and Effect Oriented
This type of expository writing explains why something is happening and the outcome it will bring.

2. Problem and Solution Oriented
Here, the writer highlights a problem, gives solutions, and tells the reader how to implement them.

3. Compare and Contrast Oriented
In this type of writing, the author features comparison, discussing similarities and differences between two or more things.

Examples of Expository Writing: Some examples where you can use expository writing style are:

  • Textbooks
  • Technical or scientific writing
  • How-To Articles
  • Training manuals
  • News stories
  • FAQ slogs
  • Recipes

Words help us get our messages, ideas, thoughts, and imagination across people. Their effectiveness depends on the writing style we opt for. There are four main writing styles: narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository, each with a different aim. It's crucial as a writer to understand each writing style's purpose. Once you are familiar with them, you can use them accordingly.


Science Writing Prompts

Students place themselves in unique positions.
  1. Animals
  2. Cells
  3. Dinosaurs
  4. Elements, Compounds, And Mixtures
  5. Environment
  6. Food / Nutrition
  7. Forces Of Nature
  8. Human Body
  9. Magnets and Electricity
  10. Oceans
  11. Planet Earth
  12. Plants
  13. Space
  14. Volcanoes

Social Studies Prompts

Students ask themselves critical questions and explore.
  1. American Civil War
  2. American Revolution
  3. Ancient Egypt
  4. Ancient Rome
  5. Colonial America
  6. Community Helpers
  7. Elections and Voting
  8. Halloween
  9. Holocaust
  10. If You Ran for the Presidency and Won!
  11. Industrial Revolution
  12. Inventors/Invention
  13. Native American
  14. Proud To Be An American
  15. U.S. Constitution
  16. U.S. Presidents
  17. Thanksgiving
  18. Veterans Day
  19. Slavery
  20. Westward Expansion
  21. Winter

Group Science Writing Activities

Students work in groups to complete these printables. You will find a wide array of scenarios for these guys.
  1. Animals
  2. Cells
  3. Dinosaurs
  4. Elements, Compounds, And Mixtures
  5. Environment
  6. Food / Nutrition
  7. Forces Of Nature
  8. Human Body
  9. Inventors/Invention
  10. Inventor Biography Worksheet
  11. Magnets and Electricity
  12. Oceans
  13. Planet Earth
  14. Plants
  15. Rainforest
  16. Space
  17. Volcanoes