Conjunction Worksheets

Conjunctions are link words. The give fluidity to our sentences. The three most commonly used conjunctions include "and", "but", "yet".

Conjunctions In Sentences
We have you identify conjunctions and then tell us what gets connected. Find the conjunction in the sentence. Circle the conjuction and underline the words that it joins.

Missing Conjunctions
Which word choice best completes each sentence? Choose the right conjunction, from your choice of four, to complete each sentence.

Later Conjunctions
We look to see if you should use "if" or "unless" in each instance. We work on consequential points of conjunction. It makes for an interesting sheet.

Conjunctions: Sentence Drop
Students really enjoy this one! So do teachers! This one is really cool. We have you connect words all the way down. At first you might be puzzled, but after you get one, it all makes sense.

Putting Sentences Together
Smash two sentences into one, just include the word "and".

Conjunctions: Combining Sentences
These sentences are just a tad longer than the previous version. We start to work on extended sentences. We want you to put two sentences together into one nicely worded sentence.

Fill in the Blank With a Conjunction
Decide which of the most popular forms of conjunction fit. Use one of the following conjunctions to complete each sentence: and, but, or. A little trivia for you, these are the most often used conjunctions.

Conjunctions: Identification Exercise
Classifying the type of conjunctions. Find the conjunction and then tell what type (Coordinating, Correlative, or Subordinating) it is.

Conjunctions: Combine the Sentences
We give you the words to use, you make it happen. We give different conjugates to use to combine two sentences. You decide how the sentence should be worded exactly.

Verbs: Using - s or - ing
A conjugate verb worksheet that snuck it's way in here. We work conjugate verbs in here. You decide on the ending.

What Are Conjunctions in A Sentence?

The process of teaching kids how to write begins with forming short sentences. They are taught how to form more complex sentences by combining two sentences as they progress. This is where conjunctions come into play.

If you want to form clear and elegant sentences, using conjunctions appropriately may just be the way to do it. Conjunctions are linking words that allow you to join sentences and provide more information or details in a single sentence without having to start a new one.

Conjunctions make our writing interesting and pleasant to read and improve sentence diversity. This article will cover everything you need to know about using conjunctions to improve your writing skills.

Let's first take a look at what conjunctions in a sentence are!

What Are Conjunctions?

Conjunctions are parts of speech that are used in writing and allow you to connect words, clauses, sentences, or phrases. They act as the glue to hold items together. However, they may not always be placed between the items they are meant to conjoin.

Common conjunctions in the English language include 'and', 'because', 'when', 'it', 'for', 'or', and 'when'. You need to ensure that the items that you are joining using conjunctions share the same sentence structure.

For example,

- I finished the task quickly and efficiently. (Incorrect Sentence)

- I finished my work quickly and efficiently (Correct Sentence)

To help you understand conjunctions better, we have put together the different types of conjunctions with examples. Read on to find out.

Types of Conjunctions with Examples

If you want to allow the reader to understand your sentence easily, learn the different types of conjunctions. Here are the basic kinds of conjunctions you should know about.

1. Coordinating

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join or connect words, phrases, sentences, or clauses that have the same grammatical rank or serve the same grammatical purpose. They are used to connect two words, two phrases, and two independent clauses. There are seven coordinating conjunctions that you should learn.

Pro tip: You can use the mnemonic device or acronym FANBOYS to remember the seven coordinating conjunctions.

Let's take a look at what these are and examples of how they are used in sentences.

- F = For
- A = And
- N = Nor
- B = But
- O = Or
- Y = Yet
- S = So

Examples of these seven conjunctions used in sentences:

- I brought a gift for my friend to school.

- I have two red coats and three green ones.

- John did not complete the assigned task nor did he pass the exam.

- This research paper is several years old, but it is still relevant to date.

- You can either walk to school or take the school bus.

- John knew he was getting late, yet he did not speed up.

- John did not want to have dinner, so he went directly to bed.

Here are some things to remember about coordinating conjunctions:

- In modern English, 'for' is not often used as a joining word or conjunction.

- When you use the conjunctions 'and' & 'or; for joining three or more words or phrases, you should remember to use a comma for the purpose of separating the items.

- Words like 'however' or 'therefore' serve as transitional words and can also be used as conjunctions. For example:

- John really likes that sweater; however, it only comes in one size.

- Several employees had concerns regarding the new policies that were implemented; therefore, the director held a meeting with the entire staff to address the issues.

2. Subordinating

Subordinating conjunctions establish a cause-and-effect or any other kind of relationship between the main clause and a subordinate clause by acting as a link or glue between the two to join them together. In simpler terms, subordinating conjunctions are used to join independent and dependent clauses.

A dependent clause is one that always needs to be attached to an independent clause for it to make sense. However, an independent clause can stand on its own like a complete and functioning sentence without having to be attached to another sentence for it to make sense.

Subordinating conjunctions include words like 'because', 'if', 'although', 'since', 'until', and 'while'. These words are often used to introduce dependent clauses in a sentence.

For example,

- Because John woke up late in the morning, he missed his first lesson.

- John missed his first lesson because he woke up late this morning.

- He drank a glass of water because he was thirsty.

- Because he was thirsty, he drank a glass of water.

Adverbs can also function as subordinating conjunctions. These adverbs include 'until', 'after', or 'before'.

For example,

- You can leave the class after you have finished the test.

- After you have finished the test, you can leave the class.

3. Correlative

Correlative conjunctions always come in pairs, and they are used to join the elements in a sentence that are equal. These conjunctions are used to illustrate the relation that exists between two pairs within a sentence. Commonly used pairs include:

- Either

- Neither or nor

- Not and not only

- But also

- Both & and

- Whether & or

The rule for using correlative conjunctions is that both elements you are joining together need to have the same grammatical form. It is essential for correlative conjunctions to use parallel structure. Let us look at a few examples to understand this.

- You can either study for the exam using class lecture material or data online.

- Not only am I finished studying for my history exam, but I am also finished writing my English essay.

Concluding Thoughts

It is essential to learn how to use conjunctions to improve your writing skills and connect words and broader ideas and concepts that can help you convey compelling and elegant messages to the reader.

You can use many websites to practice using conjunctions in sentences, ours included. Remember, practice makes perfect. Dedicate a portion of your day to learning how to use them appropriately. Also, practice writing sentences and ask your teacher to review them. We hope this was useful.