Analogy Worksheets
Analogies are compare the relationship between two things based on their similarities and differences. It takes the concept of comparing and contrasting to the next level. For example, black is to white as night is to _______. The SAT really started to focus on this skill and it has made it's way into the CORE curriculum.
A great way to get them started on the skill. Here are 8 common analogies that we see on lots of assessments. This is a big help.
You matched analogies. Now make your own. You will complete each analogy based on the first relationship presented to you.
We take you a step further and ask you to explain yourself. Not only do you have to find the proper word to complete the analogy, you need to say exactly why they have the same relationship.
All involve a person place or thing. All the analogies here involve a person, place, or thing. They are very normal nouns, so most children should have no problem understanding what they are.
The words are a bit more foreign to students. These are relationships that many people have trouble with because they are more concept based relationships.
Kids enjoy this one more. The nature of all relationships in this one are clear. Some students might not understand what "loitering" is even though it is now rated at the fourth grade level.
A really fun way to review analogies. You will be given a relationship or analogy and then need to create a comparable relationship to follow.
Write your own based on the first relationship you are given. he analogies you are presented with on this one allow you to be more right-brained and have fun with it.
These are a little out there to stimulate critical thinking.
Ponder these concepts. They can be tricky. These are deep thinkers, at least the last two. The first two are a bit of a warm-up.
Make for a great introduction. The vocabulary presented her is very basic. These are great if this is your first time working on this skill.
For your upper level students. These are more advanced than the previous analogies you have seen.
What are Analogies, and Why Do We Use Them?
Analogies have long been a favorite literary device, especially among poets and essayists. But what is an analogy? How is it used? How can you use analogies in your writing?
Time is money, and you must spend it wisely. That’s not just common advice but also an example of analogy.
An analogy is a figure of speech that makes an association between two things, usually intending to highlight a resemblance in one or more ways between the two. An analogy is often used to help create something more straightforward when you explain it to someone else by making a comparison.
Definition and Examples
An analogy compares two things or pairs of things based on a similar relationship. Another purpose of an analogy is to compare an abstract concept to a concrete idea for better clarity.
In the example above, time (an abstract concept) is being compared to money (a concrete idea) based on a similarity that people can be careless with both their time and money.
Here are some more examples of analogies:
- Life is like a box of chocolates— you never know what you’ll get.
- Raising children is like gardening— nurture and patience are key.
- The author is to write what the teacher is to teach.
The last example is also an analogy as it compares an author and a teacher based on what they do, that is, write and teach, respectively. Another way to write this analogy could be:
Author : write : : teacher : teach
This is the most common structure.
The 6 Different Types
While there are several types of analogies, we will discuss 6 types of analogies in this article. These analogies will represent an identical relationship between the pairs of things that are subjected to comparison.
When the relationship between the words in a pair is based on similarity.
Example: big : huge : : rich : wealthy, where big is synonymous with huge whereas rich is synonymous with wealthy.
When the relationship between the words in a pair is based on an opposition.
Example: big : small : : rich : poor, where big is an antonym of small whereas rich is an opposite of poor.
Part to Whole
When the first word in the pair is a part of the second word, a whole.
Example: steering wheel : car : : branch : tree, where a steering wheel is a part of a car whereas a branch is a part of a tree.
Cause and Effect
When the first word in the pair is the cause of the second word, the effect.
Example: hunger : eat : : thirst : drink, where hunger causes someone to eat whereas thirst causes someone to drink.
When the relationship between the words in a pair is based on function.
Example: scissors : cut : : crayon : color, where a scissor’s function is to cut whereas a crayon's function is to color.
Performer and Action
When the first word in the pair is a performer of the second word, the action.
Example: chef : cook : : surgeon : surgery, where a chef performs the action of cooking whereas a surgeon performs the action of surgery.
Why Are They Important?
Analogies have long been a part of literature. Whether it is writing that interests you or you want to become a better reader, analogies can help you in achieving your language goals by doing the following:
1. Enhancing Your Comprehension Skills: Having a basic knowledge of analogies will help you navigate through a text, understand the underlying meanings of several words, and relate them to the theme of your text.
2. Improving Your Logical Reasoning: Figuring out patterns and relationships of different words will enhance your critical thinking. You’ll be forced to look at the words on a deeper level and build connections, allowing your brain to think outside the box.
3. Spicing Up Your Writing: Do you want to throw an idea at your audience without boring them? Try using analogies. You can add humor, depth, and even dramatic effects to your writing with analogies. Plus, your writing will be more relatable and engaging for your readers.
How to Use Them in Writing?
Knowing the usage of analogies is one thing, but integrating them into your writing can be tricky. Here are a few ways that you can do so:
1. Keep it simple: Over-complicating an analogy or using things from two completely different fields for comparison can confuse your reader. Try to go easy on the words you use to take your audience from A to B instead of tangling them in the analogy structure.
2. Look for a direct relation: A concept might resemble more than one thing. Choose an association that would be the most straightforward. Can the idea and item you have chosen have both similarities and differences? Then decide which relation you want to use in your writing.
3. Write to inspire: What would stick with your reader is not how you have mastered the art of writing an analogy but the message you communicated. Many of the analogies that stuck with you are the ideas that inspired you. Try to recreate that in your writing.
Analogies can compare a relationship between two things or bring an abstract concept to a concrete one. Using analogies in writing gets more clarity, adds depth, and makes it relatable to your reader. The 6 types of analogies are the most common ones, but there are many other types that one can use in their writing.
A word analogy is a standard analogy structure used to introduce young learners to analogies. The more you can understand and practice examples of analogies, the better your reading and writing skills will become.