Memory and Observation Skills Worksheets

This set of worksheets are actually entire class activities. Show the students the picture for one minute and then have them answer the questions. Great for introducing observation skills.

  1. Concert
  2. Juggle
  3. Learning
  4. Magic
  5. Nature
  6. Painter
  7. Park
  8. Sports
  9. Subway
  10. Tropical

Question Worksheets For Pictures

  1. Concert Question Sheet
  2. Juggle Question Sheet
  3. Learning Question Sheet
  4. Magic Question Sheet
  5. Nature Question Sheet
  6. Painter Question Sheet
  7. Park Question Sheet
  8. Sports Question Sheet
  9. Subway Question Sheet
  10. Tropical Question Sheet

How to Improve Your Memory and Observation Skills

As you improve your observation skills, you can use more than just your sense of hearing to make specifics. It enables you to interact with others and also respond to them appropriately. Having good conversation skills is one of the key success factors at home and your workplace.

You need to be aware of your surroundings, and good observation skills help you achieve just that. Memory skills are crucial for retaining information and drawing connections and patterns from the information you have retained as and when required. If you can't remember the information that you come across daily, you are bound to make errors.

What Are Observation Skills?

Oxford Dictionary online defines observation skills:

"The act of watching somebody/something carefully for a period of time, especially to learn something"

Observation skills refer to a person's ability to use all five senses to be recognized and be aware of their surroundings. Observation skills allow you to notice subtle details in everything around you and make you more receptive to change.

Good observation skills can also enable you to read people and understand their erratic behaviors.
Ways to Improve Observation Skills

Here are a few simple ways to improve and benefit from good observation skills.

1. Notice Small Details Around You

Be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for small details around you. Don't just pay attention to the small objects that surround you and notice the smaller details surrounding the large objects.

For example, while walking in your street, you can see different mailboxes, plants, pets, etc.

2. Try to Quantify What You Observe

When observing something, try to count and remember how many of those things are present.

Let's take the same example of walking through your street; you can count how many mailboxes or swings you see in each house.

3. Play Games That Improve Your Observation Skills

Who says improving your observation skills can be fun? Several games, puzzles, and even apps are present that can train your brain to be attentive and improve your observation skills. Here is a list of games you can play:

- Luminosity
- Elevate
- CogniFit-Brain Training
- Memorado
- Skillz

4. Be Inquisitive

Ask questions if you notice unusual things or patterns, and try to analyze your observations. If you're looking to be a good researcher, being inquisitive will help you.

Asking questions will add a new dimension and perspective to your thoughts and add value to your work.

5. Remove Distractions

We are often distracted by the constantly buzzing phones that prevent us from being good observers. Have you ever just sat at a beautiful place and been completely lost in your phone?

Imagine all the things you are missing out on! The beautiful sky, perhaps the fresh flowers around you, and the sight of just watching people around you relax and have a good time.

So, switch off your phones, take a little break from social media and sit down to observe details around you. Let them sink in!

6. Note Down Your Observations

Take a journal with you wherever you go and make a list of all your observations. Go beyond your sense of sight. Write about things that you can hear or even smell. For example, if you are sitting in a coffee shop and smell freshly baked cinnamon rolls, write that down!

What Are Memory Skills?

Memory skills are the ability to retain important information and recall facts, experience, skills, and habits when required.

To have good memory skills, you need to have good observation skills.

Having a good memory will help you score the best marks on your test, and you will be able to recall the things that have been taught to you.

Ways to Improve Your Memory Skills

1. Readout a Lot

When using more senses than one, you will definitely see the results multiplied. Instead of just looking at things and reading mentally, it helps if you read whatever you need out aloud. You will not only be using your sight and your voice but also be using your hearing sense, and that makes a difference in your memorization.

2. Write It Down

In an extension to the principle applied in the last point, you could benefit by writing stuff down. You can also reinforce what you've read when you write it down. Try this, and you will feel a noticeable difference.

3. Memorize by Repetition

Scientific evidence has shown that a neural pathway is formed when you memorize something. The more you exercise your mind, the stronger it gets. Therefore, if you repeat something repeatedly, you'll be able to memorize it.

4. Memorize by Recalling

A few of us find it hard to stay focused while repeating one thing. Also, it gets a bit boring for most of us.

The best way to overcome it is to memorize once and then begin recalling. Test yourself before the test. Make that mistake you would've made in the test otherwise. When you recall something, it helps you memorize it. Try it once, and you'll be a fan!

Observations and memory skills go hand in hand. Having a good memory and observation skills will help you in your education and professional career.

If you notice little details around you, it will ignite innovative thoughts in you and will also be able to predict changes and make better decisions. If you can retain and recall the information you have observed, it will help you make connections and inferences.