Lesson Plan Title : Internet Research Strategies
Overview and Purpose: Students will learn different ways to use the Internet for research purposes in a positive and proactive manner.
1. Increase general knowledge of different ways of implementing research.
2. Increase skills of using the Internet for research purposes.
3. Students will learn that although using computers can be fun there is also an element of danger that they need to avoid.
4. Students will learn how to be safe while they are using the Internet
5. Students will understand key vocabulary terms often use in cyber world
1. Students will know how to use computer on their own
2. Students will know key vocabulary related to Internet use
3. Students will know what to ask their parents in terms of their own personal privacy at home on their personal computer
4. Students will consider and discuss the nature of the Internet comparing it with more traditional ways.
computers with Internet access.
Chart paper
colored markers
LCD projector
1.Think-Pair-Share with a partner about what your favorite thing to do on the computer is?
2.Whole group share out- What did your partner say is their favorite thing to do?
3. Teacher will state to class- while we all have lots of fun on computers the Internet can be a dangerous place. What can you do to make sure you are safe on the Internet?
4. Conduct a class discussion about research and the Internet Use the following focus questions:
Where do you go to find information for a research report?
How does the Internet differ from other sources of information?
What is your favorite place to find information and why?
Explain to students that for the next few days, they will be learning more effective ways to do research using the Internet
Guide the class in creating a Venn diagram to compare the Internet with more traditional information sources making lists of similarities and differences between various types of research materials. Write students' responses in the Venn Diagram on computer display the interactive Venn Diagram tool using projector. While teacher displays words on screen, students will also create Venn diagram on computers.
First, let's talk about a few new words that you might need to know;
1) Filter- A filter is a tool your parents use to make sure you can only access web sites that are safe for kids.
2)Privacy- Privacy means when you are working on the computer you know that no one is following you or getting personal information like where you live or work.
3) Safety- Safety means to be free of danger. We all have to practice being safe so that we don't put ourselves in dangerous situations on the Internet
4) chat rooms - Chat rooms are places on the Internet where you can talk to people you never met before about anything you want. It is not safe for kids to give out their real name, where they live or anything that is personal information or that would make it easy for someone to steal from you or try to hurt you.
5) Internet The Internet is a place on a computer where you can type in any subject you want and find websites with useful information about the topic. For adults, they can even check their bank account and do other cool things without leaving the house.
Class Practice:
We are going to go to the computer lab and I would like to see if you can find your favorite websites ( like starfall) without your teachers help. First, I will model for you how to do that. Teacher will put the Internet on the overhead screen and show students how to:
-Turn computer on
-log in
- find their favorite website starfall
-Teacher will show an example of a website they can't log into ( facebook)
-You also shouldn't click on advertisements. These pop up sometimes while you are using the Internet Often they can lead to a virus and your computer gets sick and can break. Here are some search engines just for kids so no matter what you search for it will only take you to kids websites: Yahoo Kids and Ask Kids ( teacher will log into both)
Explain to students that they will be viewing a presentation that will walk them through the process of researching on the Internet, and that this presentation is meant to serve as a jumping off point for their own research on an assigned topic. Remind them to have their topic in mind as they view the presentation.
Pass out copies of the Wading Through the Web Student Handout. We will complete the associated activities on the handout together. These slides introduce different types of search engines and demonstrate how to search "smarter" on the Internet Make sure students understand how to move through the presentation and navigate to the linked websites. Circulate and monitor to be sure students are staying on task and completing the handout as they go along.
Discuss the answers together.
Independent Practice:
1.Take students to computer lab and see if they can remember how to turn computer on, log in and go to starfall.
2. See if anyone can try to log into a social networking site on their own to see that they can't log in.
3. Ask students to log into yahoo kids and type in something they want to know about.
When students have completed the presentation and handout, tell them to use the remaining time to begin independent research on their assigned topic. Remind them that they will need to record citation information for their bibliographies, and instruct them to use the Internet Citation Organizer for this purpose.
Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction):
1. For ELL learners have Spanish language translation for the vocabulary words
2. Assist those students at computer lab with learning how to log on.
This activity will be done together. The students that more difficulty will be given extra assistance.
Learning Checkup:
The teacher will observe the progress of each student as they are completing the tasks. To make sure for understanding.
1.After students have used the computer to go to Starfall ask children if they can explain to class how to log into the computer.
2. Ask another student why being safe on the Internet is important?
3.Ask another student what websites should be avoided on the Internet What information should you not give to someone?
Wrap Up:
1.Remember, using computers can be fun but in order to stay safe we must not give out personal information to strangers that might end up endangering us or our family.
2. Tell your parents today what you learned at school and ask them if they have a filter on your home computer.
3.I think this lesson is a good introductory lesson to using a computer and is necessary for my Kinders.
4. I also think that they should be aware of the dangers of the Internet now so when they are older they have already been primed for this info.
I will see how the students react to the lesson and how they do in subsequent computer lab classes. Will they remember how to turn on computer? Will they remember why it is important to be safe on the Internet? Will anyone break the rule and go to a site they are not supposed to?