Lesson Plan Title : Introduction to Microsoft Excel
Overview and Purpose: A basic review of excel toolbars, buttons, functions,cursors, and intro to the use of formulas.
1.Each student will gain the basic skills needed to operate and navigate MS Excel.
2.Identify, gather and input data into a spreadsheet.
3.Successfully create, copy and paste formulas and functions.
4. to be able to work collaboratively with peers in groups.
5. Successfully print areas of the spreadsheet.
6. Identify Excel as a tool used for manipulating data.
1.Identify ways of utilizing Excel as a tool
2. Students will be able to identify and create a spreadsheet.
3. Students will successfully record data and be able to create, copy and paste formulas and functions.
4. Students will acquire information using various resources.
5. Review of standard and formatting toolbars and menus within Excel.
6 . Review of worksheets,workbooks,cells,columns,rows,and Excel cursors
7. Introduction of basic use of formulas in Excel.
LCD Projector, handouts, audio equipment.
Students will be provided a computer workstation in the computer lab.
Students will utilize Microsoft Excel to develop a spreadsheet using the data they obtain.
Students will have access to the Internet.
Students will be given a copy of the rubric to refer to while working on this lesson.
A laptop/projector set up will be provided for presentation.
A flash drive will be used to save and copy student work onto the laptop.
A shared drive will be available to store completed spreadsheets.
1. First we will discuss uses of spreadsheets
2. A payroll with three records will be opened and cell contents identified.
3. Discussion on the data necessary to complete a payroll.
4. Request that students perform actions such as cell alignment, formatting cells,shading cells, placing borders around cells etc. individually.
5. Request that students exhibit knowledge of renaming worksheets,deleting worksheets, adjusting row heights and column widths etc.
1. As a class we will add one record of data.
2. Each student will verbally add their record (fictitious); the payroll now contains 10-12 records.
3. I will demonstrate formula building, copying, pasting and printing.
Class Practice:
1.Students will complete the payroll (pay).
2. Overtime, bonus will be added to the spreadsheet (use of absolute value)
3.They are encourage to look on each others screens and speak out loud.
4. Students will be given opportunity to print (print preview).
Independent Practice:
1.Students will create a spreadsheet from scratch(grocery budget,address list or book inventory a book inventory
2. They will create, copy an paste formulas and functions.
3.They are encourage to look on each others screens and speak out loud.
4. Students have been asked to complete a detailed budget exercise to exhibit gathered knowledge of MS Excel.
Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction):
1. Slow typists - they will be able to Open my completed spreadsheet (as emphasis in this class is not on typing)
2. Quick to create - we we add the overtime calculation and bonus (using absolute value)
3. Experienced in a payroll (completed examples of advanced payrolls will be on shared drive, to be explored during breaks)
Learning Checkup:
1. I will walk around the room as they create and work on their spreadsheets
2. Challenge students by changing the data (pay rate)- does the 'ripple down' effect occur?
Wrap Up:
1.Verbally as a class (encouraging them to speak out loud) describe (while I write on board) the steps to create a spreadsheet.
2.Students will reflect on what they have learned.
3. Teacher will review each students assignment individually to insure that they have a clear understanding of how to operate Excel.
As an instructor, I have never done this. The students have always evaluated me! Students will be evaluated using a rubric. I will forward each student's completed rubric via email.