Math Pattern Worksheets

Working with mathematical patterns and sequences can be difficult for students. We look at various strategies students can use to solve these in our lesson and worksheet series. We start out with basic concepts and slowly progress to more difficult outlets of understanding.

Introduction (For Beginners)

What's Missing? - Using basic shapes, we find a single missing shape. Breathe in the pattern to fully comprehend what it is doing. Don't jump at the answer, let it come to you.

Complete the Shape Pattern Simple - They have to trust the pattern that is presented. You are asked to figure out what comes next in line. The worksheet assumes that everything is cyclical.

Patterns with 5s and 10s (Skip Counting) - We start very basic. Students start to understand patterns from counting sequences. We work on our 5s and 10s. A great intro to times tables and multpliying by 5 and 10.

Patterns with 20s and 100s (Skip Counting) - The sequences grow and so do the matching skills. Skip by twenties and hundreds to complete all the sequences. This is a great introduction to sequencing.

What Comes Before and After - A kindergarten worksheet. What numbers come before and after the number that you are presented with. A simple yet effective set of tasks.

What's Between Us - Fill in the missing number that fits into the sequence. This is a really nice move away from skip counting and heading towards recognizing patterns.

Missing Odds and Ends Numbers - Fill in any missing numbers in the even-odd matrix. Simple worksheet to get students set into a frame of mind that best suits their learning curve. We work with even and odd numbers in a matrix.

Intermediate Work

Patterns as a Cycle - This follows the basic national assessments you will see today. We now put you in a basic testing format and ask you to explain a repeating pattern and what it will reveal in future iterations of the pattern.

What Letter Comes Next? - Given a sequence of letters, figure out what comes next. We suggest you convert the pattern to a standard numeric code to help you understand the sequence and what comes next.

Circle the Next Picture - We move to visual pictures and see if students can make the transition. Determine the sequence that is taking place and then decide what comes next in the pattern that you are working with.

Complete the Pattern - 10 pages in total. Find the last two parts of the sequence. As the title indicates there are 10 pages. 5 pages of worksheets, 5 pages of answers. The answers explain each pattern in detail. So this can be very helpful.

Complete the Number Pattern - Fill in missing parts of the numeric sequences. They are randomly found. At first, this seems like an easy task for anyone. That is until you realize that some of these patterns are very tricky.

You Complete Me (Shuffle Patterns) - We have students determine the rule that each pattern is following.

Identify the Pattern in Numeric Form - Convert the letters to numbers and then proceed. A great introduction on how to convert patterns to something that is understandable regardless of the variable or expression that you encounter.

Pattern Based Word Problems - All are real world problems that are frequently featured on assessments. We would recommend you draw what is presented to you. At times it can be very confusing without a clearly drawn picture.

Make a Numeric Pattern - You are given shapes. Make sense of them with numbers. Convert each shape pattern to a rhythmic numeric pattern. It can make things very easy for you to use this strategy often.

Smiley Faces and Sad Faces - This one is neat! Make sense of all the crazy happy and sad faces. Can you see the patterns in the faces? This is a very unique pattern sheet. Have fun with this one!

Complete Math Sequences - Find the missing numbers in the sequence using all of your math skills. We give you mixd math sequence. Sometimes it's adding, other times it's repeated products. Figure out what numbers are missing.

Solving Division Sequences - This one focuses in on finding missing quotients. Everything here is division based. Find out what numbers are missing in each sequence.

Patterns of Sums - Each pattern is based on a sum of the numbers in the set. All the sequences are sums of the previous two integers. This makes it easy, but hard at the same time. See how you do!

Advanced Work

Continue the Pattern (Hard) - Things get a bit more tricky with this set. We use sums and differences. Take time to understand the makeup of each pattern. Then determine what the next three slots of the sequence is.

Double Missing Items (Repeater Pattern) - You will see a repeating pattern. Just figure out where it starts and ends. Find the missing shapes. We suggest you back up a bit and number the pattern first to make it much easier on yourself.

Which Item Doesn't Belong? - At first this one seems very easy, but then it really turns up the heat! We ask you to consider a group of items and which items stick out like sore thumbs. It is your basic compare and contrast with an explanation.

Multiplication Sequences - These numbers really get big. Figure out what products are missing in the this battle of multiplication.

How to Determine a Math Pattern

Some arithmetic problems are simple to solve, while others are a bit more challenging. Math patterns are a form of mathematical problem that several individuals find interesting to complete. It requires some reasoning, attention skills, and basic math skills to decipher. You can probably answer a couple of the simpler patterns in your head. If you come across a particularly challenging sequence, you may need to use pen and paper to solve it. Read on to learn how to decipher a math pattern.

Mathematical Patterns

In mathematics, a pattern is a recurring organization of numbers, forms, colors, and so forth. The pattern may be applied to any form of object or event. It is a series of integers that are connected to one another in a specified way. Patterns are also referred to as sequences and at times they can be endless.

For instance, in a math pattern, 1, 3 5, 7 …. each number is growing by a factor of two. As a result, the final number in this math sequence will be 7 + 2 = 9

Here are a few samples of numerical patterns.:

- Fibonacci numbers pattern -: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ,13 ...
- Odd numbers pattern -: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 ...
- Even numbers pattern -: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 ...

Numerical Patterns

Numerical patterns are a series of numbers, which adhere to a specific order. Numerical patterns can be Fibonacci patterns, geometric patterns, algebraic patterns, and so on. Let's have a look at the following distinct patterns here.

Arithmetic Sequence

This algebraic pattern is another name for the arithmetic pattern. The patterns of an arithmetic sequence are formed by the addition or subtraction of numbers. If we have more than one value in the sequence, we can identify the mathematical pattern by using addition or subtraction.

For instance, we have the sequence 30, 25, 20,_, 10, _.

In this number sequence, we have to figure out the third last, and last value.

The rule employed in the pattern is "subtract 5 from the previous number to get the next number in the sequence".

By that rule, the third last value in the above-mentioned math pattern will be:

20 - 5 = 15 => third value

And the last value will be

10 - 5 = 5 => last value

Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence can be described as a numerical sequence where each value is formed by applying the addition operation on two values before it, beginning with the integers 0 and 1. The Fibonacci math sequence is as follows:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...

To simplify:

3rd number = 1st number + 2nd number = 0+1 = 1

4th number = 2nd number + 3rd number= 1+1 = 2

5th number= 3rd number + 4th number = 1+2 = 3

Last number = 6th number + 7th number = 5 + 8 = 13

Geometric Sequence

The geometric sequence is described as a series of integers dependent on multiplication and division operations. If more than one integers in the sequence are available, we may quickly discover the unknown components in the sequence by multiplying or dividing the values within the sequence.

For the following geometric sequence: 3, 9, 27, ...

Each value in the series can be computed by multiplying 3 with the value before it.

To simplify:

Second Value = 3 x 3 = 9

Third Value = 9 x 3 = 27

Fourth Value = 27 x 3 = 81

Types of Sequences

There are three types of sequences in basic Mathematics:

- Rising: If the values are in ascending order, the pattern is called a rising pattern. For instance 2, 4, 6, 8, ..

- Shirking: The pattern in which the values are in the descending order is the shrinking pattern. For instance, 10, 8, 6, 4, ...

- Repeating: A repeating sequence is a pattern where the rule repeats itself again and again.

Benefits of Solving Math Patterns

When students strive to tackle various types of pattern difficulties, they gain a multitude of health advantages. Several advantages have been discovered in numerous research on pattern-solving activities. It aids in the development of a child's vocabulary and logical reasoning.

It is highly beneficial for students when they answer various types of sequence activities and tests regularly. It not only broadens their vocabulary and knowledge but also vastly enhances their reasoning abilities. Here are some of the primary advantages of pattern recognition:

1. Inspires Educational Learning

One of the primary advantages of identifying patterns is that it improves a child's analytical reasoning, research, and cognitive skills. Dealing with puzzles like Sudoku, which are equally enjoyable, requires logical thought. As a result, it aids in stimulating learning.

2. It Keeps the Mind Healthy and Active

It exhibits the mind's ability to become involved in circumstances that need a great deal of patience, focus, and contemplation. It is also stated that if we keep our brain busy, we'll feel energetic the whole time. Furthermore, it also aids in the lowering of anxiety levels and weariness.

3. Increased Productivity

Solving math sequence questions aids in the development of critical abilities that boost productivity.

4. Increases IQ

Among the most significant advantages of solving sequence questions is that it raises an individual's IQ. Patterns undoubtedly aid in the development of memory, cognitive skills, general knowledge, and problem-solving abilities.

5. Cognitive Skills Strengthen

Answering math pattern questions improves visual performance significantly. Students' cognitive ability may be considerably improved by recognizing fundamental patterns, shapes, and colors. Math patterns also enable higher levels of thinking.

6. Enhanced Levels of Concentration

Concentration is essential for a kid's education and is also required in daily situations. Patterns need logical reasoning and, as a result, a great deal of attention and persistence. Students can only solve a pattern if they concentrate. And the long-term advantage is that it has a significant influence on attentiveness.

Wrapping Up

Solving math patterns can be fun and beneficial at the same time. They help keep students engaged and aid in the development of skills like pattern recognition, logic, critical thinking, and analytical skills that can help a student grow and prosper in the future.