Synonym Worksheets

Synonyms are words that have similar or the same meanings. They can also cross over to slang words. We give you a real work out on this skill.

The Synonym Drop
We pick words out of sentences and ask you to determine the correct word to drop in its place. What word best completes each sentence. Hint: The correct answers are synonyms to the underlined words.

Synonym Replacement
We ask you to change words in a reading passage. This is slightly advanced because you are not prompted as to which word should be changed. It's all on you for this one.

Sentences With Synonyms
We tell you which words to change, we just give you a word bank to work with. This is slightly advanced because you are not prompted as to which word should be changed. It's all on you for this one.

Pulling Synonyms Together
You choose between two possible words to match the meaning of the words. Find the synonym that best matches. These are not used in context, so they might be harder than usual for students.

Walk the Plank, Synonyms!
A simple matching activity for the words. Draw a line or a plank for the two synonyms to meet.

Means The Same
Find two words in each row that have a similar meaning. e give you a series of strings of words. Find the two that have a very similar meaning.

The Synonym Retake
Change the words that we point out in the sentences. We provide a prompt (italics) as to what word needs to be changed, but you must choose for a word bank to complete the exercise.

Snatch a Synonym
This is a really good review. It asks you to choose from a word bank to start and then you need to create your own synonyms. You get a bit of a warm-up because we as you to first identify pairs of synonyms. Then you have to create your own.

Synonym Password
This is in your basics testing format. You will see a lot of these. This worksheet is in your typical testing format. A good way to work it into the daily routine.

Synonym and Antonym Match
This includes antonyms with it. The top tests your ability to recognize synonyms. Then we get you again with antonyms on the bottom.

Synonyms and Antonyms
This is a nice sheet that helps you decide if you are looking at opposites or similar meanings. e have you decide if you are looking at synonyms or antonyms and then we have you think of a antonym and synonym pair to write a complete sentence with.

Elementary Level Synonym Worksheet
This is a basic matching activity.

Using the Thesaurus: Synonyms Version 1
These words will require a dictionary or thesaurus. This one is nicely prepared in multiple choice format. A quick find the same meaning worksheet.

Using the Thesaurus: Synonyms Version 2
It gets a bit more difficult on this set. We give you another set of words to work with on this one. We find this one takes students a bit longer because the words are less familiar to most.

Using the Thesaurus: Synonyms Version 3
Most students have some trouble with this one. We give you another set of words to work with on this one. We find this one takes students a bit longer because the words are less familiar to most.

How to Learn the Synonyms of Words and Use Them

According to an estimate, the word count present in two weeks' worth of newspapers is more than the word count an average 19th-century person would read in his entire lifetime. Owing to the ease of corresponding through electronic platforms such as e-mails, text messaging, and social media applications, our words today have more implications than in yesteryears.

Throughout history, a common factor that remains unchanged is that a good vocabulary is indeed an assist. Undoubtedly, having a better vocabulary means knowing more words.

What Are Synonyms?

Synonyms are defined as words or phrases with similar or the same meaning. For example, 'Destitute' is a synonym for 'Weak' in which both things mean the same, whereas the words 'Stunned' and 'Surprised' are synonyms. Still, they can have slightly different connotations when used in different circumstances.

Using synonyms gives the writer a distinctive edge and affords him flexibility as it means he has more options while writing than a normal writer would. Once we have more options to describe a situation, we can choose one or a combination of words that will convey the intended message or paint the imagined picture in the reader's mind. Therefore, we need to learn synonyms to improve our vocabulary to express ourselves better in written and verbal expression.

Want to Learn Synonyms of Words and Use Them? Here's How!

Here are tips on learning synonyms of words and using them in your sentences to impress the reader.

1. Read More

Like almost anything in the world, a better vocabulary with more synonyms comes with practice. Reading is the foundation of our vocabulary building.

Once you read more, you will come across various words that writers have used to convey their message. In reading, you will often come across new and complex words that will be added to your arsenal.

Reading is a pivotal activity that cannot be bypassed for any other. Therefore, you should endeavor to read more in your quest to learn synonyms and, in turn, improve your vocabulary.

2. Consult a Thesaurus

Going through a thesaurus will prove one of the most effective tools for learning synonyms.

A thesaurus is a collection of words with their synonyms in alphabetical order. With a thesaurus, you can find the word that is closest to what you want to express.

Thesauruses are like a gold mine for someone looking to expand his vocabulary by learning synonyms in a relatively shorter amount of time. Therefore, if you are after quick results that last long, consulting a thesaurus will help.

3. Learn With Context

This rule applies well to learning synonyms with similar but not the same meaning. You can read different reading materials of varying difficulties to do these exercises. As the difficulty increases, you will notice that you come across words that you cannot decipher in the first instance.

Mark those and look them up in a dictionary, and you will be able to see their exact meaning. Once the meaning is known, you will be able to assess why the writer has chosen that particular word in the place you read it.

This activity is excellent for learning synonyms and seeing how you can use words in different situations to convey your intended message.

4. Learn Antonyms
Antonyms are the exact opposites of synonyms. Antonyms refer to words that convey the exact opposite meaning of the word in question.

While it may be surprising to most readers, learning antonyms is a perfectly excellent way of learning synonyms. Learning antonyms will give you an in-depth understanding of the word you started with. This way, you will have a better grip on your vocabulary and hence, be able to write better and write much faster.

5. Use Grammar Software

People now use their smartphones, tablets, laptops, and personal computers to write. Luckily, you can use software that checks grammar and offers helpful suggestions while writing.

You should find the Word suggestions option in them to see the synonyms of a word at any given time. This way, you can use different words, any one of which you can choose to convey your exact message. This software is often paid for, but it has been widely believed that they do help a lot.

6. Learn Different Accents

While American English is almost equally legible to the speaker and reader of British English, you'll be surprised as to how much one can learn by comparing both.

Various words convey the same meaning while being drastically different in both accents. For example, 'Joggers' and 'Trainers' mean the same thing depending on which the user prefers English.

Once you learn the different words used in American and British English, you will feel better equipped with your vocabulary. If you want to take it further, learn the local slang. You would expand your synonym arsenal, but you will also have fun doing it.

7. Practice Sentence Writing

You can take things one step ahead by doing a simple exercise. First, you select a word and draft a sentence. Then, you can make an effort to rephrase and rewrite the sentence while ensuring that the intended message gets sent across in the same way.

Doing this will aid you in your effort to learn synonyms. This practice will also go a long way in improving your written and verbal expression vocabulary.

Wrapping Up

Synonyms are one of the most important pillars upon which good vocabulary rests. Learning synonyms will pay rich dividends for anyone who wants to improve their verbal and written expression.

Learning synonyms may seem boring at first, but those who learn to realize that doing so is one of the most powerful tools of modern-day vocabulary.

Follow these tips to leave a good impression on the reader. Remember that mastering the art of learning and using synonyms appropriately takes time and patience. There is no shortcut to practice.