Subject and Predicate Worksheets

The subject is the focus of every sentence. It is either the whom or what of the sentence. The predicate expands the subject and tells about it. In many cases, the predicate is the action in the sentence. For example, Mike ate all the chips. The subject is Mike and the predicate is eating all the chips.

Subjects and Predicates
A simple identification activity for you. Students find the S and P of each sentence. Another idea is to have them rewrite the sentence with a different S or P.

Find the Subjects and Predicates
This version is slightly more difficult to understand. Now identify the text that is underlined as either the subject or the predicate.

Make Sentences With Mixed Subjects and Predicates
This is a wonderful activity for students. A great excercise to help with writing clear and concise bodies of work.

Reading Sentences For Subjects and Predicates
A quick review and practice sheet. We ask you to pinpoint the part of the sentence that is either the whom/what or the description of that.

Long Subjects and Predicates
The predicates are longer in this one. The subjects in this one are clear, but the predicates are a bit more drawn out for you.

Underlining the Subject and Predicate
We get into finding the exact part. Now it's time to become the underlining Ninja. Find the whome or what and then what describes it further.

Illustrate Subjects and Predicates
Students love this one because it is fun! This is one of those formats where you pick one from group A (subjects) and it makes a good dinner with group B (predicates).

Simple and Complete Forms
A very basic activity that is helpful when you are starting the unit. We clarify the difference between simple and complete subjects and then set you loose on some practice.

What Are the Subject and Predicate Of A Sentence?

Any writing, simple or complex, depends on clear sentences. Readers want to read what they can grasp and comprehend quickly in their minds. However, to write clear sentences, it is crucial to know what makes up a sentence.

A sentence mainly consists of two parts: subject and predicate. A sentence missing a subject might still make sense. But without a predicate, a sentence is vague.

Let's discuss these concepts and provide you with examples in detail.

What Are They?

A subject is a noun about which a sentence is written.

For example, the cat drinks.

The sentence emphasizes who's doing the task rather than the object of the task. Therefore, the cat is the subject here.

Another example is 'the dog chases the cat.'

In this example, we have two nouns. But to identify a subject, it is first essential to identify the verb.

The verb in the sentences is 'chases.'

The next step is to answer the question who or what? Who chased? The dog chased.

So, in this sentence, the subject is the dog.

The predicate is the second part of the sentence written along with the subject. This part of a sentence is what gives us the detail about our subject. But the easiest way to identify a predicate is to look for a verb. The verb is the most critical part of the predicate, without which the sentence can't stand at all.

For example, 'Lexi.'

Now, Lexi is only a subject. There's no detail about Lexi. A verb needs to be added to bring details into a sentence.

Lexi breaks the internet with her new viral reel.

So, what is Lexi, our subject, doing or has done? Lexi has broken the internet.

So 'breaks' is the verb in the sentence. And the predicate is the entire sentence that starts with the verb 'breaks.'

Hence the predicate in this sentence is 'break the internet with her new viral reel.'

Different Types of Forms

Sentences in English are complex. Learning about subject and predicate, we must delve into its types. There are three types of subject and predicate.

Simple Forms

A simple subject is a single word that the sentence is about. There are no modifiers or other nouns attached to it.

Macy is going on a World Tour.

A simple predicate has only one verb with it. There are no modifiers attached to the verb.

The baby was crying for her mother.

Compound Forms

A compound subject is when two or more subjects perform the same action.

The Sherlock Holmes movies and series are intriguing.

A compound predicate has two verbs conjoined with a conjunction in the middle.

Brandon is singing while doing dishes.

Complete Forms

A complete subject consists of all the modifiers attached to the subject(s).

The furry white cat bit my friend.

A complete predicate has modifiers attached to the verb. The modifiers provide additional information regarding the verb.

Alana started screaming loudly when she saw a spider.

Here the verb is "started." "Screaming" tells us what had started. "Loudly" tells us the manner of the action, and "when she saw a spider" explains the cause of the verb.


Here are some subject and predicate sentences examples to practice what you've learned so far.

Identify the subject and predicate along with its types.

- They play football competitively every Tuesday.

Subject: "They"
Type of Subject: Simple (only 'they' is the subject)
Predicate: " football competitively every Tuesday."
Type of Predicate: Complete (since the word 'competitively' is used as a modifier.)

- Nancy's mother is baking a delicious pie for Thanksgiving dinner.

Subject: Nancy's mother
TOS: Simple (only 'Nancy's mother' is the subject)
Predicate: " baking a delicious pie for Thanksgiving dinner".
TOP: Simple (only 'baking' is the verb with no modifiers)

- The hardworking gardener was stung.

Subject: The hardworking gardener
TOS: Complete (since the word 'hardworking' is used as a modifier.)
Predicate: was stung.
TOP: Simple (only 'was stung' is the verb with no modifiers)

- Lily and Sam are dancing and laughing in the school's hallway.

Subject: Lily and Sam
TOS: Compound ('Lily and Sam' are two subjects)
Predicate: "...are dancing and laughing in the school's hallway."
TOP: Compound ('dancing and laughing' are two verbs)

- A popping pink blush would match your dress.

Subject: A popping pink blush
TOS: Complete (since the words 'popping pink' are used as a modifier)
Predicate: "...would match your dress."
TOP: Simple (only 'would match' is the verb with no modifiers)

The Importance

It's essential to understand subject and predicate to write effectively. If there's confusion in distinguishing between subject and predicate, a writer might make numerous mistakes, but the subject-verb agreement is the most common.

Your verb must always agree with your subject, i.e., a plural subject must have a plural verb and a singular subject, a singular verb. However, it might not always be this easy to recognize.

All the movies of Bradley Cooper are currently available at a discount rate.

In this sentence, the subject is movies, not Bradley Cooper. Therefore 'are' is the verb used. Always consider the subject only when looking for the correct verb.


To become an influential writer, you must master the art of writing clear and precise sentences. You must know what a subject and a predicate are to do so.

Practicing subject and predicate with examples will help you become accustomed to using them in your writing. Be clear on the types of subject and predicate to understand when to use which subject or which predicate.