Graphic Organizers Maker
The teacher tools below will allow you to make graphic organizers by filling out a simple form. The materials are made instantly and can be printed directly from your computer. Your creations are exclusive to you. If you would like to keep your creations, save them when you make them. We are constantly developing new tools if you have an idea for a tool please let us know. Currently, the following tools are available in this area.
- Concept Web Generator - Try to reinforce the who, what, when, where and how of a concept. This can help.
- Graphic Organizer Worksheets - Premade graphic organizers for K-12 teachers.
- KWL Generator - Getting students to reflect on their learning is a difficult task. KWL's can help.
- SQ3R Chart Generator - Using an SQ3R chart is very helpful when reading long reading passages.
- Time Line Generators - This generator can be used to make time lines of up to 14 events of your choice.
- Venn Diagram Generator - Venn diagrams are a powerful way to graphically organize information.
How Graphic Organizers Help Students
Graphic organizers can be a helpful tool for struggling students with their writing skills. By organizing information visually, these types of tools can help students see the connection between different concepts and ideas. It can make it easier for them to organize their thoughts and develop stronger arguments. Additionally, organizing information in this way can help students remember specific events in history.
What Are Graphic Organizers?
A graphic organizer is a pedagogical tool that visually depicts relationships between concepts, terms, facts, etc. These are commonly used in writing to connect ideas for a cohesive write-up. These tools also come in handy for reviewing a concept to track students' progress and where they might need more attention.
There are many different forms of these types of visual tools, each serving the purpose of organizing information but in different styles. The most popular type of these visual tools is definitely the Venn diagram mostly due to its sheer usefulness and ability to be applied to just about any subject or topic. Concept webs, KWL charts, and flow charts are also very popular.
Benefits of Using Them
Graphic organizers can contribute to understanding and learning of various subjects. Some benefits are listed below.
Creative Writing
They can help students improve their writing skills by providing a visual representation of information. When students can see the relationships between concepts, they can better understand and remember the information. Additionally, graphic organizers can help students brainstorm ideas and organize their thoughts before starting to write. UWhen using these visuals students can ensure that their writing is well-organized and flows smoothly from one idea to the next.
For example, if a student is working on writing a persuasive essay on why a certain animal should be the city's mascot, a graphic organizer could help the student think through their thesis statement, main points, and supporting details. Each section could be placed on a separate branch, allowing the student to see how each part of the essay relates to the other.
Graphic organizers, when used correctly, can help students learn new information, recall previously learned information, and develop strong arguments and reasoning. It helps to understand the cause and effect relationship between two things, make inferences based on the principles, etc.
For example, exerting force can only change a body's condition if the force is greater than the body's weight. If not, the body's state of rest or motion won't change. These and other effects of forces are easier to memorize if a visual chart is used.
Social Studies
Graphic organizers such as flow charts and timelines are beneficial in understanding processes and organizing the events in order. Students can make drawings to remember the events, making recalling the information easier. Flow charts provide a step-by-step representation of a process, simplifying the information and making it easily digestible. For example, a timeline makes learning the events that led to a riot easier.
Wrap Up!
The benefits of using these types of tools in your lesson plans are endless. They can ease organizing and learning information for your students. The visual representation of information makes it effortless for students to remember and recall it during reviews and tests. They also come in handy for reviewing the lesson as well. Make teaching easier for you and learning easier for you with different types of graphic organizers.