How To Work with Children That Have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Knowing how to work with children that have attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is an important and heavy task for every parent or guardian of children with ADHD. This responsibility takes a lot of patience and understanding from the parents and guardians. In addition, this responsibility requires them to have constant high energy to contend with the awfully soaring energy level of a child with an ADHD. A child with ADHD or ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) often causes problem at home and they also cause discomfort to the other people outside the family and even to the member of their own family as well. Once the signs and symptoms of ADHD or ADD is discovered, a parent or guardian should do something and get help soon so the problem will be managed while the sufferer is still a child.

The main problem with a child having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is their little attention, impulsivity, over-activity, and lack of focus to certain things. How to work with children that have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is primarily focused with increasing the child's attention towards one thing and preventing them from exhibiting unpleasant and destructive behavior. Aside from that, parents and guardians should know that what a child with ADHD or ADD constantly needs are structure, communication that is brief and clear, rewards or punishments, and lots of love and support.

Before any parent should start doing any interventions on dealing with a child with ADHD, he, she or both of them should understand first that ADHD is a neurological problem. It is a disorder that doesn't result from a bad parenting. Aside from that, a perfectionist parent or guardian will never be satisfied with a child with ADHD. Children with ADHD do not follow the instructions of their parents or guardians not because they don't want but because they don't hear the instructions at all.

There are several techniques and interventions that can help increase the child's attention that a parent should know when dealing with children that have attention deficit hyperactive disorder. These interventions include feedback approaches and various therapies such as music therapy. The eating habits and the diet plan should also be taken into serious consideration when trying to learn how to work with children that have attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Several studies have been conducted regarding effects of food to the behavioral changes of children with ADHD. According to these studies, there are suspected food and ingredients that can actually trigger unpleasant behavioral changes to a child with ADHD. Some of these food and ingredients include milk, wheat, eggs, chocolate, artificial colorings, and food with salicylates such as berried, apple cider, grapes, chili powder, peaches, plums, peppers, tomatoes, and food additives such as food colorings. There is an existing diet plan devised for ADHD children called the Feingold diet. This diet prohibits any salicylates, aspirin included, and additives. Some parents of children with ADHD who are implementing this diet plan to their children report success stories with this diet but at the same time, they have admitted that this diet is difficult to be carried out because of this diet being additive-free, something that children truly find unlikable. Parents should also take note that even though many had reported sugar to be making the child more hyperactive, sugar actually has no role in the hyperactivity of children with ADHD as strongly suggested by several studies.

When knowing how to work with children that have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the guardian should have enough patience, understanding and fervor to help him or her get going with this difficult task. This plus enough knowledge of the different management therapies and other considerations such as food will definitely result to another success story in dealing with children having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

More Information

  1. ADD Coach Academy
  2. Overcome Attention Deficit Disorder - Neural Cognitive Therapy