Quantifying moles, mass, entities or # of formula units, and Avagadro's number Lesson Plan
mole, formula units, mass, molar mass, Avagadro's number, significant digits
Goals / Aims of The Lesson Plan
1. Students able to use formulas to calculate unknowns for the number of moles, mass, entities or formula units.
1.Importance of the subject matter in relation to chemical processes.
2. Complete understanding of the subject.
3.Ability to problem solve in order to calculate unknowns.
Materials and Aids
periodic table, handouts, calculator, pencil
A. Introduction-
1. Provide background explanations of how important these concepts are
in the field of chemistry.
2. How the relationships between the moles and avagadro's number changed
the world of chemistry forever!
B. Development-
1. Demonstrate calculations on the white board by quantifying a mole and a formula mass unit. Also include Avagadro's Number.
C. Practice-
1. Students will complete a simple worksheet or class assignment that has them work out a formula mass of a compound. They can also work on a percentage composition problem.
D. Independent Practice-
1. Students will work out the formula mass for water, carbon dioxide, and sodium dioxide.
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. As needed mostly involves the use of extra time.
2. Full use of the Periodic table
3. A chemistry cheat sheet with important tools in order to complete tasks,
as a last resort.
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Teacher will travel around the room asking questions.
2. Teacher will also be marking worksheets as needed.
3. Reviewing what was learned in class at the conclusion.
G. Closure-
1. I will give the class a full review program to work out.